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Dead on arrival (to work), stalling again

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Dead on arrival (to work), stalling again

87 posts
So my bike was stalling again when coming to an idle. It just started happening out of no where. The bike was running great one minute, then the next thing I know, when I pulled up to a stoplight, it died on me. Any amount of open throttle would keep it running, but when I laid off the throttle it would die. I pulled over and tried to adjust the idle set speed screw to just keep the RPMs higher, but it didn't matter. Unless I was twisting the throttle, it just crapped out on me. What I did find was that it would run with the choke, which makes me think it's got something to do with the fuel/air mix and the !@#$#! carbs again.

The bike is stranded at work now. I'm going to limp it home tomorrow morning when there's less traffic. But if anybody's got any ideas that could prevent me from doing that, I'd love to hear 'em.

I'm contemplating just taking it out of commission for the season and starting the over-winter tear down I was planning a little early.
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Re: Dead on arrival (to work), stalling again

3494 posts
Something like that sounds like crud got into the carbs. Do you run an inline filter?
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Dead on arrival (to work), stalling again

87 posts
Yeah I do. It looked fine, but maybe something got through. I did consider that, but I can't really do anything about it until I get it home. This is the same problem I had when I brought it home, and cleaning and rebuilding the carbs seemed to correct it. I also replaced that filter with a better and newer one.

The other problem I had when I brought it home was the battery dying on me. I do remember noticing that my light looked awfully dim this morning. The battery didn't die on me though... I'm charging it up overnight just to be safe.
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Re: Dead on arrival (to work), stalling again

87 posts
In reply to this post by sjackson
okay, figure this one out... all I did was change one of the air cut off covers, because I noticed it was bent. Then I went and ran the piss out of the bike. Now it doesn't stall anymore. It does, however, backfire when the RPMs get over 6000 - 7000, which it didn't do before. The air cutoff cover came off of a set of 81 carbs, and isn't the exact same as the one it replaced, but it fits and isn't bent.