Difference between '80 CB750F and Supersport

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Difference between '80 CB750F and Supersport

Hi everyone.  I'm a complete newbie who just got my first motorcycle.  I got a good deal on a 1980 CB750F that needs some TLC.  As I search for parts, it seems that I always find listings for a CB750F SuperSport but not just the plain F.  What was the difference between the two models?

Thanks for your help!
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Re: Difference between '80 CB750F and Supersport

im a newbie as well and from what i have seen i think the supersport  has a lower rise handle bar thats all i can see if you look at alot of photos you will see what i mean you will see alot of 750f with very ugly  higher rise bars like whats on the other 750 model c and k i think thats what they were.  now dont get me wrong they are nice bar for the right style bike. the f series is not that bike i like the lower rise bars. makes it more sporty
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Re: Difference between '80 CB750F and Supersport

Thanks Joe.  Hopefully, that's the only difference and parts for the SS will work on my F.
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Re: Difference between '80 CB750F and Supersport

In reply to this post by Ruffles
I have a 1980 CB750F Super Sport...there is no difference as far as parts are concerned, as long as you are getting parts for a 1979 to 1983 model the should fit...The "F" indicates that it's the super sport of the CB series of motorcycles...Just like the CB750K, the "K" indicates the custom model.  Hope that helps