Erratic Idle

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Erratic Idle

I need some guidance on what to do. Occasionally my bike runs and idles fine. Other times are constantly playing with the idle adjustment screw, usually between 2-3k rpms. Sometimes the bike feels like its only getting half the power it should, but usually goes away after about ten minuets or if i kick in into a higher gear (stuck fuel accelerator?). Sometimes when I pull the choke it actually decreases rpms and/or kills the engine.

Yesterday a new problem arose: after going on a two hour ride, a strange chugging/rattle is coming from what i think is the clutch basket as i come to a stop. There is some slight resistance and it produces small shakes prior to stopping. Just took the bike for a short ride and now it does this about every other time I stop. I have no clue what could be causing this.

I had the carbs rebuilt last summer. Checked the plugs, all looked normal. I'm guessing its running rich due to the choke problem. Any suggestions for where to look next?