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do i need a new ignition?1975 Cb750F

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do i need a new ignition?1975 Cb750F

138 posts
So i have an electric short in my ignition, the actual key when in slot is very loose and the indicator lights flicker on/off temporarily.  I sprayed cleaner in it and it didn't change much.  What should i do next?
Should i take apart the key switch and try to clean it? is that even possible? anyone know how?
Where can i find a replacement? anyone have one for sale?

help me out! thanks
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Re: do i need a new ignition?1975 Cb750F

3494 posts
Well after spending some time going through the manual, I did not see a section detailing how to pull apart the switch.
My suggestion would be to get a new Honda switch, save it and try to pull the old one apart.
If you can fix the old one, great but if that worn, it might fail soon anyways so you would want the new one.
I think honda still makes them.
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