Hi Guys, and thanks for the many replies. I have ridden the bike on unleaded and there is no difference in performance, compared to leaded fuel with the same octane rating.
I guess my choices are to buy lead replacement to add to the fuel, this is sold as a "valve stem lubricant".
Octane booster is not really necessary, as we already can get 95, or i think i have even seen premium at 98 octane. We also have E10, Ethanol fuel, it is cheaper, but i stay away from that, even in my car! Aviation fuel would be the best, if we could afford it ! The last time i purchased a 20 liter drum, i think it worked out about $2.50 Au a liter. The price of our premium here now (95) octane is about $1.60 a liter, with a 20 liter gas tank, works out at $32 to fill my bike.

I have only had one test ride on it so far, (15 miles), and don't really plan to keep this one long term.
Looking to go back to an old Triumph in the future, this CB750 is just way to heavy for me to maneuver around. (300KG) with fairing and panniers, dry weight, then add another 20KG of fuel, and engine oil, plus anything you have stored in the panniers. If it fell over, i could never pick this bike back up alone, (i am nearly 50!)
I have had other bikes that require leaded, and i have run them on unleaded without problems, i heard it would take around 30,000 miles before any major wear starts to occur.
When i talk about adding two stoke oil to the fuel, (synthetic), im talking only a very small amount, maybe a tea spoon or two per full tank. Cars add these "lead replacement" additives at about 50ml to a full tank (50 to 70 liters of gas).
Very interesting to read your comments about the different fuels in different countries. Here we can still go to the local airport and buy avgas, (aviation fuel), 100 octane, and i think it still contains the lead, or a lead substitute.
Buy adding a spoon full of two stroke oil to the fuel, the only difference i have noticed over the years, on many old bikes, is, you blow a tiny bit of blue smoke, but it smells great too!

Cheers to all from Australia
thanks for the replies so far!
Sorry about the liters and Kilograms, but i don't know the conversions for gallons in fuel and pounds in weight.
A motorcycle enthusiast with 35 + years of road riding experience, all makes and models.
Location Australia