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For Sale: Kreem Tank liner kit

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For Sale: Kreem Tank liner kit

345 posts
I purchased this brand new from motorcycle superstore but didnt use it and ended up having it done professionally. If anybody's planning on stripping, etching and lining their tank this kit has all the ingredients. $30 plus shipping, let me know
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Re: For Sale: Kreem Tank liner kit

345 posts
This stuff:

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Re: For Sale: Kreem Tank liner kit

90 posts
In reply to this post by slownugly007
Will this stuff help with a tank that already has a wee bit of corrosion??
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Re: For Sale: Kreem Tank liner kit

345 posts
yep! this kit takes care of everything, and has instuctions for the entire process. All the reviews I read on it were really good. People used it on tanks with flaky rust throughout their tank and it worked like a champ. I've used just the liner before on a new automobile tank and it worked great. If you have flakes of rust they recommend using hot/soapy water and some nuts and bolts to loosen it before using the de-ruster, which dissolves the rust in the tank, then you use the conditioner to etch the metal to accept the liner and then line and youre done! Let me know if youre interested? later
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Re: For Sale: Kreem Tank liner kit

41 posts
I've read some reviews where folks were less than pleased with Kreem; they said it just peeled off. My opinion is that they just didn't take the care they needed to to remove all the rust FIRST!

I used Kreem on a tank 6-8 years ago, and it's fantastic -never a problem. You MUST make sure you follow the directions to the letter! I think that's where other people have failed. Patience is your friend.

I used a short length of chain when I did my "pre-de-rusting" and it got wrapped around the fuel sending unit that I'd failed to remove. That was a bear to get back out. The etching solution will eat paint finish, so you need to make sure that you have all the holes sealed well, and wipe up any drips right away.

Great product and a good price if you're in the market for some Kreem.
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Re: For Sale: Kreem Tank liner kit

Lucky 1
2028 posts
I have used 5 of their (Kreem), kits and one kit was bad.
With the bad kit the liner material the white stuff did not react properly.
I ended up having to remove it all. It bubbled up and looked wrong during application.

The 6th tank I did  I used the Caswell liner and it was thicker
 and I added white colorant to it.
Normally the Caswell is amber color and is translucent.
I wanted a white glossy finish.
I called Caswell and they said the epoxy colorant from Tap Plastics
would be ok. I got the good colorant that is already a liquid and is easier to mix.
It cost about $6 for a 2 oz. jar.

If you use the Caswell system mix the WHOLE kit.
On a Roadstar Adventure.
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Re: For Sale: Kreem Tank liner kit

515 posts
I'm doing my tank now.  I posted the link here someplace but I found the cleaner did not clean all the rust so I used LimeAway and that worked great.  Put a heavy duty chain in the tank and what it did not get washed off with just water.  I plan on posting pictures soon when I get time.

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 3:43 PM, Lucky 1 [via Honda CB750'S] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have used 5 of their (Kreem), kits and one kit was bad.
With the bad kit the liner material the white stuff did not react properly.
I ended up having to remove it all. It bubbled up and looked wrong during application.

The 6th tank I did  I used the Caswell liner and it was thicker
 and I added white colorant to it.
Normally the Caswell is amber color and is translucent.
I wanted a white glossy finish.
I called Caswell and they said the epoxy colorant from Tap Plastics
would be ok. I got the good colorant that is already a liquid and is easier to mix.
It cost about $6 for a 2 oz. jar.

If you use the Caswell system mix the WHOLE kit.
1978 CB750K Completely restored cafe style

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