Fuel leaking when running

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Fuel leaking when running

Greetings folks, it's been a long time since I've been on here . . .

So, I decided to get my bike all set to get my state inspection done (it's been sitting in my garage for several months now, sadly being neglected). Once I got it running, I noticed that my bike suddenly started leaking fuel at a notable clip from the left side of the engine (when I cut the engine off, the leak ceased). I've only minor experience with these things, but it seems to me that a leak indicates that there is a seal problem. I've not done any carb work (or ever touched any seals for that matter) since I got it back in 2011.

Pic from above:

I noticed that the leak seems to be moreso originating from the circled area:

I confirmed that the screw there is not lose. Out of abundance of caution with the fuel, I opted to not mess with it much while it was running.
Lady Amalthea

1981 CB750C Suffolk, VA
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Re: Fuel leaking when running

Well, a fuel leak is hard to trace as the fuel is so clear. Could be a couple areas. The bowl ring or drain screw not sealing around the threads. I would check the bowl ring first.  

The bowl isn't overfilling as then fuel would leak out the overflow tubes.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Fuel leaking when running

You've got a vacuum operated petcock, right? If so, when you stop the engine you stop the vacuum which could explain the connection. I would guess you might just have a typical bowl overflowing issue ( dirty or corroded needle and/or seat).