tcazes wrote
its 1-4 sitting on the bike
#1 is from sitting on the bike and the left outside plug and #4 to the outside right. My boots say #1,#2,#3,#4 from left to right sitting on the bike.
I have the pictures upside down intentionally though it may look like I uploaded them that way on accident.
tcazes wrote
did you do a chop or just pulled randomly at home?
I'm not sure what you mean But I pulled #1 then #4 Then removed the tank and removed #2 and #3.
tcazes wrote
had it been idling a while before it was killed last?
I rode all day then Held the RPM at 4,000 and killed the engine n coasted down the street and into my driveway.
tcazes wrote
what were the mixture screws set at when you pulled the carbs? i set mine to 1.5 out and leave them.
I checked the #4 pilot screw and it was set at 3 turns out as well as #1.
I set all my pilot screws 3 turns out now. I followed the MacGregor Carb Cleaning Services manual for this setting.

I did just see the service manual says 1 1/2 turns right now.

I pulled and cleaned the carbs yesterday and installed.
I installed cleaned plugs last night and rode about 2 miles and today I ran about 3 miles and held 4,000 RPM's about 90% of the time and Killed the engine and coasted down the street and into my driveway. I pulled the plugs again and it looks that the plugs are running lean on #3-4 and not too bad on #1-2. I might need to ride longer and normal riding to read them better..
I am using The NGK 2120 D8EA Nickel Spark Plug
My Bike Information
1982 Honda DOHC CB750F Supersport
4-1 Exhaust with baffle
Stock intake air box
Slow-speed jet #35
Primary main jet #68
Secondary main jet #105
Ventura, California