I wanted to share this with everybody here since I was SO impressed with this Ebay Seller.
I just bought 2 Belstaff Zodiac summer jackets on Ebay for $49.99 each & they even REDUCED the shipping. (I paid $15 to have both shipped)
The jackets I bought are made of Cordura with Hiena wear panels. It has reflective panels, vents velcro & zipper closure It also has a Thermalite liner. It's also waterproof and comes with ELBOW/SHOULDER/BACK ARMOR.
  Incredibly light & comfortable. They seem to run small so if you get one buy a size larger than your usual.
The woman there Doris, was unbelievebly helpful on the phone.
Here's a listing of their stuff, I highly recommend them.
1981 CB750K
Are all those zippers pockets or vents? That does look like a good jacket,especially at such a good price. I wish mine had some reflective striping to it. Thats one think i never considered when i bought mine,now i really regret it.
shinyribs wrote
Are all those zippers pockets or vents? That does look like a good jacket,especially at such a good price. I wish mine had some reflective striping to it. Thats one think i never considered when i bought mine,now i really regret it.
There are 2 front pockets and one pocket on the inside. The rest are vents.
I bought a Bilt touring jacket w/ armor from cycle gear for $150 first. It has a removable liner but even with the liner out it's STILL hot. This Jacket was MUCH lighter & cooler to wear (especially in this heat) & made really well.
1981 CB750K
I wear an insulated flannel can't afford one of them fancy riding coats.
Shiny (and everyone else...),
You could always join me in the 'Clown Crew', and wear a road-worker's florescent vest (high quality units run around $18) -- they all have several 2"(?) reflective stripes running vertically, and horizontally on them, and they can be worn over any coat, or shirt, as they have 4XL-5XL's available. Seriously, with one of these on, drivers of all types can hardly miss seeing you... It's a small price to pay for your increased safety. When riding in the rain's very poor visibility conditions, they really make an incredible difference. Cheers!
They are becoming more common, in my town of 100k+ people. Not only are there more riders, this Summer, but more of them are in the 'Clown Crew', even some HD riders have joined our ranks!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
Sarge, I use those vests all the time. $7 at Harbor Freight. Between that and Fionas
bright green headlight, I am clearly seen! <lol> I learned that on base, Navy required M/C riders to use them on base.
1981 CB750K
This is a great suggestion. Until the general population educates itself that there are others on the road besides them, I guess we'll have to make ourselves as visible as possible. I wear a beige jacket with reflective stripes sewn in, and a contrasting color helmet with eye-catching designs on it. Next helmet I get will be Safety Orange.
Luke M
Used to have a 1979 CB750L, sold it as a parts bike, now riding a slightly modified 1984 VT700C. Network/Field Engineer. Central OH, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe.
Wish I had found this last spring. I ordered an xelement from leatherup and it was shit. Not until just after the 30 day warranty was up of course. And absolutely no shits given by them.
I am back to wearing my 7+ year old mossi jacket. Now that thing was built well. And made in Green Bay Wi.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
We had good luck with Xelement jackets, especially when my son went down, last year, wearing it (it saved him from very serious injuries). I was wearing my current Mossi -- a little scuffed, but still serviceable (I really like it, and my wife really likes her Mossi, too -- same model, different colors). We wore our Xelement jackets for three years, without issue. I guess their quality control has changed? Best of luck. Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
Well almost right away a snap came off. Shoulda known then but I didn't think a snap was a big deal.
Then I took out the zip in insulation and the jacket liner was coming apart in 3 places and had holes.
It is not as warm, and oddly enough, not as cool. With the insulation, it only works down to about 55. And in hot weather, much above 85 starts to suck. In my mossi, 40 is getting cold(interstate speeds) and 90-95 starts to get warm.
The construction of the mossi is much sturdier than the xelement is too. The sleeves on the xelement like to twist when putting it on without the insulation in it.
It was really disappointing cause the jacket looked really sharp.
Oh and when I put a negative review on leatherup, they took it off. No wonder they rank so well. Look at their site and I don't think anything ranks below a 4.5.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
The best part about Belstaff jackets is that it is fully warranted against any kind of defect for 2 years. In case, the jacket has a defect in their materials or workmanship, the jacket will be either repaired without any extra charges or will be replaced. For the $50 bucks it's a good deal.
My other touring jacket is a BILT sold by Cycle Gear stores. It has a 5 year warranty, but that did cost me $150 on sale!
In any case if you ride in heavy traffic or on the highways alot, it's well worth getting a good one & not ending up like this!
1981 CB750K
Both of my bikes have full fairings, so there is little air flow over the driver; the passenger gets plenty of air, as there is little protection for them, from the fairings... With no air flow, the only cool jacket, is no jacket, or possibly a mesh -- haven't tried one of these yet.
I see riders wearing little clothing, and no protection, except maybe a helmet, nearly every day. I shudder. Road rash is brutal. They will, literally, use a wire bristled brush, to scrub gravel out of your flesh, in the E/R. We have the freedom to decide for ourselves, what protective gear we want to wear. Choose well. Live to ride, ride to live. Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
I have no fairings really to speak of. My fz just directs all the air to my upper chest and under my helmet.
I used to ride with nothing. Then went to a helmet and mossi. Then boots, followed a couple years ago with gloves. Last year, overpants and this spring, the xelement.
Gear only does so much but no gear does nothing.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
With age....comes wisdom!
1981 CB750K
Dang it man! That's gonna be reaaaaally tender for a reaaaaaaally long time. Ugh,Ok. I'm never riding without my jacket again. I'm not so sure it ain't cooler with it on anyways. But sometimes the sun on your arms feels great. Still, I'm wearing my jacket from now on.
Ribs, the bad thing about road rash is even when it heals...it scars.
This is the result of road rash scarring. Even when it heals,
the reminder is with you for life.
One of the reasons I bought my gear,
especially now that my wife & I use the touring bike on the interstate.
1981 CB750K
For my footwear I also opt to wear Nike shoes. They are best and very comfortable. I want to have few Carbon38 sports bras and work out pants from an online store where they are available on discount offers. Hope will get best quality and comfortable tights.
I have a Xelement Cordura jacket. It has non-removable padding but still comfortable to wear.