Nice bike. Make shure you pour some oil ( Mistery oil, sold at any auto parts store, a red plastic bottle akin a quart of car oil ) into each cylinder to lub the cyl/piston/rings. Take the valve cover off and do same, lube the parts up there in case a valve or other parts are kind of dry frozen.
Do that a day before you start it ( or try) so the bike will be lubbed before.
The carbs, I would open them and wash them off in gasoline, to freshen them up. Inspect them and close them back. Do not start it using gas from that tank, that tank needs cleaning. Your carbs might be fine, you do not want to mess nthem up with rust particles.
Make sure the floats do not stick by moving the parts . For starting and such use the IV bag ( or any other container like another bike's tank or make a tank out of a plastic bottle and a hose hanging next to your bike, like a IV bag for a patient.)
Get some WD-40 and use it with the red straw it comes with, spray WD-40 inside engine through oil dipstick opening. You do not want to attempt start the motor dry like that.
Also change the oil and oil filter. Get some oil ( not top of the line, you will need to change it again after a couple hours use to flush off whatever halloween monsters took residence inside that motor.) and oil filter parts.
Check the air filter. MAny bikes that have been dormant have been forced to house mice and other rodents. You do not want to hear your bike start, only to scuff and die after a mist of pervasive mice hair and dung enters your carbs !
I have seen good motors get stuck valves and get messed up because no lubbing of engine was done before moving engine parts.
A day after you lube the engine parts, try moving the engine slowly with a wrench upon crank nut. That will let you know if things are loosening up or if it is still tight.