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Help Please with carb linkage problem

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Help Please with carb linkage problem

9 posts
Hi, I'm trying to take my carbs apart for a good cleaning.  The bike was in a storage shed for 16 years and is a 1975 cb750f super sport.  The engine is not siezed and turns over.  My problem is this carburetor linkage that I'm not familiar with.  Each carb has these two lifters that pull the needle jet up and down.  The lifters are connected to a bar that's controlled by the two throttle cables.  The bar seems to be frozen up.  The slides are all down and would not move up and down because of the stuck bar.  My question is do I disconnect the lifters from the carbs by tapping the bar out the other side or do I just take the big nut on each carb loose and take the round covers off?  I have a clymer's manual but they don't seem to touch on this.  Has anyone had this problem?  Any and all help will certainly be appreciated.  This is my first post... Sam  
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

191 posts
Hey Sam, take the air box off, unhook throttle cables and intake clamps and pull the carbs off. There are 8 screws holding the carbs to the linkage bracket and you can pull each carb out of that. There are two fuel tubes holding 1 to 2, and 3 to 4 carbs. You can take off the synch nuts off the carb tops so you don't force the carb slide shafts. The linkage will stay with the bracket. Now soak it good with WD40 or something and see if you can work it loose. If you unscrew the carb tops, the slides and needle jets should pull right out.  This is all providing the 750F is set up like the 750K   Paul
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

9 posts
Thanks Winger for the help.  What year is your 750K?  I just downloaded a free honda shop manual for years 1979-83 but the carbs have changed.  I'll try to insert a picture of the carb bank. Thanks again for your answer....Sam
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

191 posts
  I have a 75 CB750K. These look exactly like mine from the top. There should be screws that hold the linkage bracket to each carb and one thing I forgot to tell you, it's easier to also remove the cotter pins and unhook each choke rod to separate the carbs. They should pull right out of the bracket. You can pull the fuel tubes out and while you're there, replace the 4 o-rings on each tube.
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

191 posts
  One more thing Sam, you will need to take off the rubber intake tubes that go to the head.
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

9 posts
Thanks a lot Winger.  I just had not gotten around to taking off the boots.  I usually leave them on the engine but these were real hard to get off for some reason.  Thanks for the o ring tip.  I didn't know about them.  I'm used to mikuni carbs on my Yamaha's but I've had a couple of Hondas, 65  305 superhawk and 82 650 nighthawk.  I'll get started on the carbs a little later and if I run into any problems I'll give you a hollar.  Thanks again....Sam
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

191 posts
  No problem, I did a complete overhaul on my carbs not long ago. I got the kits from oldbikebarn.com for around $100. Comes with all the gaskets, air mixture screws, all jets. Make sure all your high and low jets are clear. If you have a wire brush, cut a strand off and use to run through the jets, or cut a piece off a fine broom. The holes are very small in the slow jets. I can walk you through assembly and set up. You'll need to adjust air mixture and sync the carbs when done.
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

192 posts
Quick question for you. I`m in Australia and I think I probably have the one and only Honda CB750K (1980 model) in the country thats still up and running. What I want to know is whats the easiest way to get the airbox off the bike. On two previous occasions I have had to remove the seat ( easier to get to everything) removed the battery and battery housing then bugger around with all the fiddly parts before I could remove the carbs. It seems that the airbox comes out from the left hand side. If you know of an easier way I would be most grateful if you could let me know.  I seem to have been able to solve every one elses problem but cant solve my own !  Thanks in advance.
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

191 posts
  The 1980 looks a lot different than the 70's models. On mine, you loosen the carb clamps and pull the tubes off, take a bolt off the top of each side and slips right out, only takes 5 minutes. On yours, it looks like you take the clamps and intake tubes off, a bolt that goes through the top side, possible under the seat or gas tank, and take a few things off under the seat. If you have room to pull the carbs off after pulling the intake tubes off, it may be easier to pull the air box out after the carbs are out. I can't say for sure, just a quess. Looks like it could be a PITA.
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

192 posts
Believe me it is a PITA to get the carbs off the CB750K and F models. The tank has to come off, and its easier to work on when the seat is removed . Both side covers have to be removed, battery housing, plug-in cables for the electrics - three of them , then when all the fiddly crap is out of the way the carbs slide out from either side leaving the air intake boots to the manifold in place. So obviously there isnt an easier way to remove the carbs at all.
Just been browsing through the hdlpart.com website and can get a set of four carbs for US$1200 = AUS$1700+/- new cylinder head fully assembled for US$900,and a new fuel tank for US$396.41 which in the long term will be the way I`m going to go including two new side covers - the lugs are the weak points on those. Just a pity that one cant buy a complete brand new motor from Honda direct. That would solve a million problems for me All the parts that are being replaced are in the same colour as my existing parts,  Candy Muse Red, so there is no problem with getting everything repainted.
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

191 posts
  I hear ya buddy, sounds like a real pain! Trust me, I know. I'm mainly a Goldwing rider and a couple years ago, my stator went out and you have to pull the carbs, engine and everything. The stator on my 87 wing is inside the rear of the engine and you can't get to it. It's pretty much bare to the frame to do it. It took me the better part of 4 days to complete. It sounds like you will have one FINE machine when you get done. I know what you mean too, I've spent way to much on my 75 750 but enjoy every minute of it.
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

192 posts
Oh how I envy you having a Gold Wing. Its my ultimate goal to have one, but to justify paying $43,000 Australian Dollars for the 2009 model is pushing the limits with the wife a bit too far. She isnt keen on being on two wheels, but I would love to tour the whole of Australia on a big bike like the `Wing !! When it comes to the servicing of those beasts I`ll leave it to the experts to service. And yes I can well believe that it took all of four days to remove and replace the stator. It took me a whole day ,and I mean a whole day, just to remove the carbs off my bike. Now that I know what has to be done it wont take quite as long, but I think I`ll go the whole way and just buy up everything in one go from the hdlparts.com website and damn the costs. By the time I`ve taken it to the Honda dealers to sort it out, its going to cost me that much any way , so in the lng term I`m better off going with everything new that I can get. At least when I go to the pearly gates, my son can have it ! It will be a rare collectors bike by then  - if not now.
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

191 posts
  I bought my '87 Goldwing new in early 1988 for $6750 $US and I can't justify the $23,000 US for a new one either! I've done pretty much everything on it and will go in for a paint job shortly. With the time and money you are planning to spend on yours, you will have quite a collector and looks like it will be done right. By the way, my 75 CB750K is candy red as well. I envy you living in Australia, always wanted to go there!   Best of luck to you!
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

9 posts
In reply to this post by gonebiking-2
I can't help you with the air box question as mine came with pod filters on it so I didn't have to work with that problem.  I do have four xs-11 Yamaha's and it is a super pain to get the air box back a little and out of the way so you can get the carbs out and then back in.  Some one probably knows of an easier way to do it.  Maybe they will answer.
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

257 posts
In reply to this post by gonebiking-2
If you're buying new carbs for that much coin get different ones.
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

192 posts
What carb would you recommend and where can I get them. You cant get very much in Australia for these classic bikes, so yes, for that kind of money I would prefer something that is more reliable and easier to work on than the factory fitted carbs. They seem to be the main bugbear on these bikes
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

192 posts
In reply to this post by CB750Winger
Anytime you want to come to Oz, drop me a line and hopefully we can meet up in Perth one day. If you have GOOGLE EARTH on your PC, type in Perth Western Australia, and spend some time and look at this beautiful city, and the spectacular coast line that we have here. Take care. Peter
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

257 posts
In reply to this post by gonebiking-2
Something like a rack of Keihin CR's.  If your just keeping stock...Nothing wrong w/ the stock carbs, but heck if I'd may a grand for a rack of em!  
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

192 posts
I had a look at the Keihins, and they look to be OK. Will the ends fit into the standard CB750 airbox ? The fact that they are around US$800 + is certainly cheaper then the US$1200 for the genuine Honda Carbs
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Re: Help Please with carb linkage problem

257 posts
Not sure about that....Most run pods with them.  Again, if you're trying to stay stock, the stock carbs are great.  Why not just have them professionally rebuilt?  Also, I see racks on e-bay for for less than $100 at times....Off sub 10,000mi bikes.