Well, since mine came with crap pods and no air box and everyone said it can't be done (challenge accepted!) I went for it.
Somewhere on a now defunct forum I was told to go with K&N pods and rejet to 75 & 110:

Then, put a few wraps of duct or electrical tape around each pod, leaving about 3/4" of filter exposed and take her for a spin. Add more tape or take some off as necessary until you get a good ride at all rpms. Cut the tape off and use it as a template for something more permanent like leather or metal collars.

This worked great for me.....until I was in a cross wind and then she stuttered a bit, so I added some more brass deflectors to the outside pods.

Now I have good power and no hesitation and pods!

(I have a home built exhaust with home built baffles, 4 into 2) (I'll get the whole build up here soon)
***idle mix screws out 3 1/2 turns***
1981 CB750K
Wakefield, Québec, CANADA