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High elevation carb work....?

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High elevation carb work....?

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Have my 1981 CB750C with me in Taos, NM and would like recommendation on jets for the carbs. The bike is originally from Wisconsin and I had a guy in Denver "clean out" the carbs when I was living there because he said that's all it needed. Still didn't run like it did in Wisconsin. Now I am at anywhere from 6500-9000 feet in New Mexico and would like to get the old girl running tight again. It has K&N pod filters on it and no other modifications to the bike. I saw a post about taping the pods 75% to create a vacuum and might give that a try too. Just looking for advice to anyone who has dealt with this type of situation and similar bike. Thank you in advance for your help and ride safe everyone!
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Re: High elevation carb work....?

10054 posts
The post you saw about taping the pods (probably Slownugly's ''I GOT PODS TO WORK!!!!'' thread) has pretty much all of the info on running pods on DOHC bikes that is on this forum. If you read the thread to the end and all of the links you should see everything we have to offer as far as experience. Sorry, there is not short answer on how to do it right every time. Every bike is differt witenh different mileage,compression,vacuum readings. So every bike , once outside of stock parameters, requires something different to make it run correctly.  
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Re: High elevation carb work....?

3494 posts
In reply to this post by nativewisconsin
Higher elevations do require changes to carb settings and jetting. You have less air density at higher altitudes. I would check the manual for starting points, but dropping the jet size on the mains might help some.

I would check your plugs to see what the chamber is like, though, before making any changes.
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