Hi guys. I'm new at this CB750 Family. So, here is my storie...
I bought a 1979 Honda Cb750, the guy I bought it from said he ran the bike fine and everything, but he had it parked about 2 months cause he took its battery out. So, when I bought it I put the new battery, I try to run it, but it didn't... It just cranks, the motor and Pistons turns, if I put it on 1st, the wheel spins and everything BUT IT DOESNT starts... It just do that. I've checked the pulsed generator, bought new coils, Sparks Units and I DO have a spark. I've checked the timing and I THINK it's fine (I follow the manual). I've clean my carbs with carbuclean, I've clean the intake with carbuclean also. I've also try spraying carbuclean on the intake and then start it, BUT IT DOESNT STARTS. I don't have any idea of what to do now. I need help. So, if anyone knows what it could be or something, please. Thanks for your time, nice day guys.
Pd. the guy I bought it from, said he has been running the bike without Air Filter about a Month.
After you crank on the bike for a while trying to start it, do the spark plugs look like they are wet or dry?
Hi Shinyribs. Thanks for your answer.
I just Checked what you said, and the spark plugs are totally Dry. Does that mean that there's no Gas going into de cylinder or it means that combustion is takin place? Thanks Shinyribs.
Chances are that means the gas is not making it in to the cylinder. If combustion was talking place, not only would it be firing, they would be sooty and most likely still a little wet.
If you open the drain screws on the bowls of the carbs that will tell you if fuel is making it in to the carbs or not. Something could be disassembled wrong causing the float needles be stuck in the off position.
If there is fuel there, my next suspicion would be plugged up pilot jets.
But first, verify that the carbs are indeed filling with fuel, then work down the line from there.
Thanks Shinyribs. I've checked hat you just said to me yesterday, and one of my carburetors isn't pumping gas, I mean, the deposit is full, but only one doesn't shoot gas. And other thing, there are Two pipes for gas, one in the center and one in the left side(seen from the rider perspective) In which one do I connect the gas entrance? I'm gonna start cleaning it real good with CarbClean.
Thanks Shinyribs.
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You should have only 1 fuel inlet, right between #1 and #2 carb.
 Carbs are numbered- far left when seated <- 1-2-3-4 -> far right when seated.
The ''center'' port you mention may be this vacuum port. Originally used to operate the vacuum operated petcock.
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I'd hold the fuel line in a glass jar, turn the peacock on and see if you have fuel goin to the carbs.
Then, if fuel flows there, fuel line to carbs with drain plugs out or bowls off.
If the bowls are filling its gotta be clogged jets or passages between the bowls and intake air body.
Or the slides aren't raising. They, the CV carbs you have, are lifted by vacuum, not a cable like most carbs.
That's why you need to keep the air box on theses bikes, the air restriction the box causes helps the diaphrams
lift. They should slide pretty easy when you lift them with a finger.
Or the floats are stuck in the up, or closed position. You take the bowls off, mount the carbs, put the gas to them, fuel should flow out of each one till you lift the float with you finger. Be careful doing this, fuel will be going everywhere. No need to blow yourself up for a motorcycle.
If the carbs are dirty, read up about the guitar strings for poking clogged passages, how to pull pressed in jets,
100 plus psi needed to blow them out, it's all here in previous threads.
Lastly, put that battery on charge while you work on the fuel delivery, these bikes like a full charge
to get them going.
It took me 4 times, totally knocking the carbs down and cleaning them, with help from the guys here,
Before I finally got going.
You get it running, be prepared to figure out why it's not charging the battery when you ride..........good luck.