Two weeks ago, a buddy of mine, who is a city bus driver, pulled up near an HD owner at a stoplight... He watched the HD owner reach down, and pick up, a piece which literally vibrated off of his bike. We both laughed for a long time. I do not understand the mystique in HD's, and I guess I never will. Watching them at a stoplight, is mind-boggling: I could not tolerate being shaken like that, every time I stopped.
People claim they want to be their own person, they want to dare to be different... That is why they purchase an HD, so they can dress like the HD crowd (boots, gloves, jackets, hats -- everything has the HD logo, or they won't wear it), and become one of the masses, within the HD crowd. So much for being their own person.

Ride what you want, but leave off with the BS, please.
There is a class action lawsuit beginning against HD, now, because several people have burned their right(?) legs while riding, due to the heat coming off of the air-cooled, V-twin. "Lawyers without ethics, and stupid people looking for a fast buck..." [Shakes head in dis-belief, walks away.]
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII