I put foam grips on mine, a couple of years ago... Should have done it as soon as I bought it. Put the same foam grips on my Voyager. Soft is nice, they absorb nearly all of the vibration in the handlebars; it makes it much easier on the hands, when riding for more than an hour (typically 2-3 hours for us, on the front, when touring, before we switch places -- couldn't last that long without the soft grips, as even a mild vibration takes a heavy toll on your hands and arms, over time).
I hope these are soft, as you won't regret it. Even though your fingers tend to sink into soft grips, with the foam units (likely the softest type available), there is no issue with grip, or slippage -- in pucker moments, your hand just tightens on the hard plastic throttle tube/metal bar beneath, without slipping, even when wearing gloves... Don't ask how I know.

Once you get accustomed to a soft set, you won't want anything else. Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII