OK after a bit of spy work... I see that my girl is all buttoned up. The black and white Honda on the red lift.
BUT looks can be deceiving, this is the contracted guy who's a "CB 750 specialist." So I take this shot and creep out of sight, ducking quickly into a dark alley. I called my shop, (the shop I asked to do the work.)
Still following?
So MY shop dude picks up and I say, "Johnny, what's up man? When is the bike going to be done? The engine went to the machinist more than a week ago."
Johnny replies, "OH oh Joe, hey, yeah, the guy said he is done putting it together and that tomorrow he will ride it and tune it and you can get it Saturday."
With a quick acknowledgment I hung up.
I emerge informed (allegedly) from my alley hiding spot and approached Benny. Benny is probably about 55ish, but Asian faces can be tricky could be older. I say, "Hi Benny..." and with a smile I point to my CB in the corner.
In my best Chinese I say, "Gho-toe CB chaat mmm ling, ngo ho ma fan din dan che. Doc, mmdoc?"
TRANSLATION: "That CB 7 5 0 is my 'pain in the rear' motorcycle. OK or not OK?"
He said MANY things back to me in Cantonese, now that he's thinking I'm fluent...
So what I was able to gather was that the two stories did indeed jive.
What was the point of this long drawn out story you may ask...
WELL it means I may be able to PICK UP MY BIKE AFTER WORK ON SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!