When you go to prep the frame use paint striper for epoxy.It is the real deal .
Paint scraper wire brush and snacks and music.
If the can says paint and varnish remover it is very weak and worthless.
That engine rebuild is really worth while.
It takes lots of tools to do it right.
Then you know what you have.
And sourcing all those parts is a big job.
All the parts have to be cleaned spotless.
They all need inspection and possible measuring.
The crank bearings have to be measured and fitted.
All the 30 year old bolts and screws need replacement.
The clutch needs rebuilding.
The starter clutch should be checked.
It needs a complete valve job including many parts.
It has to be assembled correctly or it will be getting taken apart again.
Then it needs to be started up and checked for leaks and timing checked.
When you think about the money, think about what you get for the money.
On a Roadstar Adventure.