Hi there. I am building a cafe racer and have changed the seat. The original latch did not have a key, and the metal catch on the seat was flat, and there was a separate spring. I have purchased a new locking system with the seat, and the piece on the seat is a metal rod in a spring. I appear to need a bracket to be able to use the new locking system. I am wondering if anyone can confirm this, and if so, where i might source a bracket.
I have been doing some research and it appears that the bracket in the attached photo is the one I need, but not sure.
Hope you can assist.

Update. I got into the list of parts suppliers very kindly supplied by Mongo 44 and sent a request to a few of them for the seat latch bracket. A very helpful guy called Matt from DavidSilverSpares immediately did a search, sourced the part and it was on its way from the UK within an half an hour of my request. Thank you Mongo 44. This is a great site. HondaHybrid