Thanks free2, can use all the help I can get with this stuff.
I think this is the 3rd, maybe the 4th one.
I'm gonna do the vintage ride and field meet thing.
Got my ass waxed at the field meet thing, thought I'd kill em. I mean, it's only
A figure 8, thru the cones and a slow race, where you go heads up against another guy
Across 30 yards, first across loses. It's on grass. The guy that won did it on a gold wing
With his grand kid on his lap.

I'd love to have 10 or 20 cb 750s show, all under a tent, that would be cool.
Hey, it's a good time to catch some stuff you never see, super laid back, no alcohol or drugs,
A few days where it's all about the bikes, and the ride.
Anyone coming give me a shout, I'll keep you posted on what's current.