Hey Guys,
First of all, this site is wicked. Been browsing posts for the past year and it's been an awesome help, and for the most part has helped me sort pretty much all my bike's issues. So. The dirty details...
I have a 1981 Honda CB750 Custom.

So the bike didn't run, had been stored for 10 years or so apparently. Pretty dirty and calcified, and just generally in a state of disrepair.
What it looks like now...

So - I have redone pretty much the entire front end - new fork seals and boots, drop down bars, head light, turn signals, gauges, brakes clean and changed. As well - New 72 cb tank refitted to 81 frame, new fuel line, new plugs, air pods (I know, I know - they're being a pain in the ass) engine cleaned, carb dismantled and thoroughly cleaned, exhaust header wrap, frame chopped and welded for flat cafe or brat seat, shortened frame with low profile rear fender with mounted tail light and signals, rear shock, etc. The wiring has been pretty much completely redone with a custom harness built by Sparck Moto and I've been battling to sort it all out and connect it all with the combination of new parts and stock electrical such as the starter solenoid, cdi's, reg/rec, ignition coils, etc.
It's been an awesome project so far... and at time's very very frustrating. But these forums have been a god send. However, I'm stuck on a few things and would love some input. The problems I'm having now are...
-New Neutral Switch and wire but still doesn't seem to want to light up on the gauge. I will be double or triple checking the connections at the back of the gauge and in the top wire cluster again but any other reasons why it might not read?
-Replaced the 68/102 jet combo with 85/110 and put a bit of tape on the pods to restrict air flow. Seemed to idle well at 1100 but as it warmed up seemed to want to sit around 3k. Fiddling with the pilots and mix screw but haven't sorted it yet. Think I'm off on the jets? Have been looking into the needle shim as well but wasn't sure yet if I'd need them.
-Today something seemed to pop. Idling high but suddenly it just died. Lights and everything work but isn't getting any spark at the plugs. Thinking solenoid or coils because the CDI's were cool and didn't look blown, same with reg/rec, no blown fuse either. Any ideas?
It's got a temporary lead acid battery in it now but will have an antigravity lithium ion, just happened to have a faulty one that's being warranted. Otherwise I think the bike is pretty close. There's still lots of little things I will probably add to it but it's getting close. Definitely want to swap out the front springs for some progressive springs to get rid of the air pressure requirement, get some gauge bezels, leather wrap the grips, weld some casings for the battery and wiring, etc.
Anyway guys, I've spent hours and hours reading your posts and any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated!
"We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that death will tremble to take us."
- Charles Bukowski