My 750K with hopes and dreams of one day being a cafe.
It's got just over 16K on the odometer and it's nice been super molested. Runs like a top but needs some brake work for sure. I've already changed all the fluids including the forks but am having a hard time getting the air pressure right.

I've order a chain and sprocket set as the current one is way out of spec according the the service manual. Got new brake pads and shoes, clip ons, bar end mirrors, seat, rear shocks on the way.

I would eventually like to do something about the front end. Dual discs are going to be key, but I'm not sure if I want to go all the way to a CBR or GSXR front end. If I can find a decent set of F or C forks I could go that way with progressive fork springs to hold me over for the time being.
I plan to start by lowering the front 1.5" to allow me to put my clip ons on. and giving a little quicker feel to the steering.

SO much to learn and work out coming from the Italian motorcycle world. I appreciate all the information here and look forward to learning from the site and the process.
I also recently discovered in the process of changing my battery that the spark units had oozed out all the protective potting stuff. I read somewhere about re-potting with JB weld working well so I gave it a try and so far it looks to be working well! anyone have any experience with this?