My first Honda Cb750K

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My first Honda Cb750K

My new CB

 Hello Everyone I just purchased my first CB for a very low low price on Craigslist.

Im new to this forum and I am excited to check in often and get some insight on these sweet bikes.

So far the only thing wrong with this bike is that carb #4 seems to leak gasoline from the bottom valve

 when I turn the petcock towards the on position. I have started to read around the forum before hand

and there seems to be some easy fix by turning some screw on the outside of the carb? I have begun

to download the service manual but I think I might be a little overwhelmed performing an entire carb


   I hope I can receive some good information on here and I hope down the road I can assist new forum

members in the future.

Thanks everyone!!
1980 Honda CB750K

Sacramento, CA
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Re: My first Honda Cb750K

Welcome in!

You found a beauty! You're gonna love that bike,I promise. Incredible machines.

That leak is likely to be a stuck or dirty float valve. I believe that can be addressed without removing the carbs. But I'm not positive on that.

Good to have you here, good luck with your project and keep us posted.

Ask away for anything you can think of. There's a great bunch of guys here that is sure to help you. See you around...
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Re: My first Honda Cb750K

In reply to this post by glara11
Is the gasoline coming out the drain hose? The small screw on the bottom of each float bowl is a drain valve. Be sure it's closed. Don't overtighten it though. Just turn in until it's seated.
Otherwise, as mentioned, it's likely just a stuck or dirty float valve.

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Re: My first Honda Cb750K


Man, this place is getting a good bunch of bikes hanging around.
Very nice ride, a survivor.

That gas leak, a piece of crap may be in the float valve.
You may be able to get the float bowl, the bottom half of the carb,
off without pulling the carbs, its 3 phillips screws underneath.

Sometimes, you can tap gently on the carb with the fuel on, and dislodge the speck
of metal or rust or dirt that's keeping the thing from seating.

Or remove the float bowl drain screw, that's in the middle of the bottom of the carb,
put a rag underneath, fuel on and tap carb as fuel flows thru the carb, hopefully taking the carp with it.

That don't work, pull the seat, rear fender, electric's and battery cage, airbox, throttle and choke cables,
then the carbs.  Put them on a bench, pull the bowls and see if it is a speck of dirt, worn float valve seat
or float needle.  I don't think your carbs have float adjustment ability, I think only the 79's do.

Then, all you gotta do is put it all back together.

Me, I'd be looking for a real small phillips screwdriver...............good luck guy.

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Re: My first Honda Cb750K

In reply to this post by glara11
If you are very lucky,  (I was) , I was able to get the 3 screws loose from the bottom of each carb, without having to remove the carb.  I used a right angle Phillips screw driver, but it was tight quarters in there.  I think you said it was one of the outside carbs so that is a plus. But follow the FSM and what the folks on here tell you.