New member to this forum. I thought I would introduce myself and buy the next round. I'm looking forward to being an active member. I've been around the block a couple times and hope to contribute as well as learn. My name is Scott, going to be 50 in the next couple months, (re)Married to a wonderful gal, 4 Daughters and 2 Grand-Daughters. I am "Hoosier Daddy" on many motorcycle forums so you may know me elsewhere.
I am in Kendallville Indiana (North East corner), was an Automotive Tech for 17 years right out of School, 6 years in the Air Nat'l Gaurd, and for the last 15 years have been in Industrial Maintenance Management. I've worked in a couple Plants that were all automotive suppliers to the "Big Three".
I rode Mini-bikes and Trail Bikes as a kid. Back in '81 bought my first street bike(s) a stock '69 BSA Thunderbolt and a '70 Lightening in boxes. I built the Lightening as a Cafe' without fenders and a set of Clubman bars when NOBODY was doing it, kind of an oddball back then, but I loved those bikes... First marriage and a new Baby forced their sale.
Fast forward 25 years, I got back into bikes when I bought a new lawn mower. a buddy of mine wanted the old one I had and offered to trade me an old motorcycle for it. He had started working on it but gave up. So I started researching old GoldWings and liked what I saw. Did the deal and got this '81 GL1100.

Stripped it down to the bare frame and two years later I have this, she's called "Bomber"

In the middle of that build I traded a parts bike GL I had picked up for a little '73 CB350Four. Thought it best to get my sea legs back on something smaller.

Not being one to leave anything alone, I did a mild cafe' job and rode it for two seasons, what a fun little screamer thiat bike was. Sold her (Damn)

Next came my '80 Suzuki GS750L I picked up from a guy who just wanted it gone, I gave hime $25 for good relations.

Again, down to a stripped frame and a total rebuild but this time went with the "Brat style" build. I actually pulled this one off in just a year. She's a Hoot to ride, fastest bike I've had to date. A Buddy of mine keeps nudging me to make her an entry level Drag Bike. She's named "Overkill".

I found a '72 CB450 that was sitting behind a barn and picked it up fr $25, but she is in really bad shape. I have it disassembled and shelved in boxes out in the shop. I'll either pick up another to make one, or part it out to fund my builds. If any one needs something off a K5, let me know.

Then this summer I placed an add on "" for any unwanted motorcycle and got a reply. Dude had a '81 CB750C he bought for parts, wanted to make a sand buggy out of the motor. He disassmbled it and stopped. It had sat two years untouched in his Dads garage and I carted it home for $50 titled frame and all.

I'm knee deep in this build and oringinally was going to just reassemble and flip it, but once again have gotten carried away, fell in love, and I've been going all out. That's what brings me here. Once I start a build thread I'll post a link to it on this post. I've done quite a bit but have a ways to go... It should be done by spring.
Since getting this bike I got a lead on an old BSA that a Widow wanted gone out of here deceased husbands shop. $300 and 30 years later I am back where I sarted, but that ones sitting covered in the shop until this CB is done!
81 Honda CB750C - Current Project
67 BSA Spitfire MkIII - Next Up (Full Resto)
81 Honda GL1100 - Bob / Cafe´
80 Suzuki GS750L - Bratstyle
72 Honda CB450K5 - Basket Case
73 Honda CB350F Cafe' (Gone but not forgotten)
Don't wait for opportunity to knock... kick the door down and drag the old harlot in!