Hey all, as some of you may have seen, I've finally got my bike back on the road!
Now with a little bit of your help I can get it running like a top.
After I had finished playing around with the idle drop, my mixture screws were probably 3 or more full turns out. The bike ran but bogged down and sputtered if I was not accelerating. When I gave it a twist of throttle it would bog, actually dip the nose down and then it would take off like no other! The bike was one big, scary bull ride

I decided that I probably had my mixture screws too far out and tried the bike at 2 turns out. The result was much improved, but the issue was still there.
I then tried one and a half turns and I believe it improved again marginally, but not much.
The bike fires up and idles great. Initially it is right at 1k, but after it warms up it rests at 1.5k.
However, my fuel mixture isn't quite right and I'm not exactly sure if its running lean or rich.
The issue occurs at pretty much any speed and any rpm (stutters a bit at a steady pace, but loooves when you open up that throttle)
The new jets are 68 and 102 (what came with the rebuild kit I bought for my 750)
I didn't see any markings on the old jets, but they appeared to be the same size.

My bike is a dohc 750f with stock airbox, uni filter, and no-name headers with a slip-on exhaust.
By the way, the muffler doesn't sound like much more than an empty can. I will be repacking it this weekend and hoping that maybe it will help.