That seat on that black Honda on your provided photo looks like the stock seat, without the twil piece, and somewhat modified (the foam on the seat rear end seems re shaped).
You can always replace the seat entirely, and add another kind of tail, or no tail piece at all.
Carpy's bikes ( correct my spelling if wrong, but I think it is Carpy's) whom I believe deals mostly with SOHC Hondas, also has some cafe seats for bikes.
That business also offers 4 into 1 headers. Although watch out with the weld quality, it is sad. If you purchase a set of headers from that business, i quire about the pipe welds, make sure those issues have been taken care off before you get a set.
Like it was said before, watch out with that vinyl flooring. The center stand will drill itself through it. Get a piece of heavy cardbpard, like appliance box, and work on it.
Keep it going !