Hey guys and gals,
Just got my hands on my second CB this weekend. Found a deal on a 79 CB750L so decided to get it. The bike is in pieces but pretty much all there. Luckily the PO hadn't taken the engine apart and he said it was running when he took it apart. So I have a giant awesome lego project!
I have it into a semi roller now. What I mean by semi roller is the front wheel and forks are on but the real swing arm isn't because I'm not sure if I need to replace the bushings since I'm already there.
The plan is to get it back together and running then decide which way to go. What I mean by that is close to stock or another direction??

Here's a pic of it and I'll put some more so you can see exactly what I've gotten myself into.
I have a 71 CB750 that has quite a bit of work done to it heres a pic of it.

I'm definately following a couple builds already that I'm sure will help me tremendously. Hoosierdaddy is one and don't remember the others off the top of my head. I looked through the "Rock-It" build and you are extremely talented. Thank you for the great looking bike and documenting it and sharing w/ us.
This leads me to my first question. Is there a standard procedure or best practices as far as putting a bike back together that is completely stripped? I started w/ getting it into a roller and now debating on putting the engine back in, then the wiring harness, then starting to hook up components and go from there. What do you think? Good bad?
I've already downloaded the shop manual and printed it out. Now I just have to get the huge 3 ring binder to put it in. Plus reading up familiarizing myself w/ the bike and what to look for along w/ its quirks
Any advise, words of wisdom, opinion, whatever are welcome and wanted.
So follow along w/ me as I find my way to building a bike.
71 CB750K (836)
79 CB750L