Whatsup everyone.
My name is Matt. I just got my first bike today from my grandfather. He hasnt rode/started his 1982 CB750K in about 2 - 3 years and decided to give it to me to fix it up over the winter.
Im real excited haha.
Just a little about me;Im 19 years old (turning 20 soon)
Attending college for Graphic Design.
Ive played drums my whole life.
Im a HUGE car enthusiast (my love resides with Volkswagen).
And uh yea Im just your average college kid haha.
Heres my car;

I bought it pretty much stock and have done a whooooooooole lot of work to it.
Its my love.
And heres the bike (lol, its uh, real dirty);

I already have a huge list of plans for it, and ive already begun de-assembling it haha

LOVE this one that I found online...

Im just curious if someone could point me to where I can find a seat like this one (the big red circle haha).
And also, where to find a brake light AND blinkers like these too (blue arrows).
AND if its not too much to ask, maybe a headlight/blinker combo thats a little more simpler like in the small red circle

And uhhhhh.... Well I think thats all for now. Ill probably have a million more questions to ask as I continue to tear this beast apart.
- Matt