What year? would be my first question. 1979 splits the bikes into two groups. Pre 79 bikes are single cam. Im really not familiar with them. Or there ride. I have owned my 79 since I was 17 in 1987. Its been a great bike for me. Its pretty easy to ride. Its an upright bike. Your not bent over like a crotch rocket and your not laid back like a cruiser. It will not carve corners like a new sport bike and it wouldn't be my choice if I was doing any real long distance cruising. That being said I love my bike and cant find a reason to get something else.
The bike is actually pretty easy to work on. From the posts on this board the carbs are coming of age they need to be rebuilt. If you have a bit of mechanical ability its easy to do. There arent any computers or electronic injection and that makes it easy for troubleshooting. Parts seem to be available. Bottom line is if you like the bike and will be able to maintain it yourself its a great bike. Lots of shops wont work on old bikes. If you need a mechanic to do the work for you consider a Honda 919 Hornet as it is new and is loosely based on the f model.
As far as safety goes I crashed mine once and the airbag failed to deploy.

Any bike is only as safe as the rider makes it. Bikes dont crash themselves just like guns dont fire themselves.
I had a rack and backrest on my bike at one time. seemed ok.
As above mechanical ability would be a determining factor in your chioce to use ebay and what to pay. Look at the posts here. One guy got a good bike that needed work for $150 and there is another here concourse restored for $5800
get what you pay for.