Well, I'm going to go through the engine and do a little maintenance, plugs, oil-change, air filter etc. beyond that I think I'm going to get another seat that's kinda jacked up and send it out to Carpy and have him make me a seat. That way I can keep my old one in case I want to take a long trip on a comfy seat!

I also want to put some new rear shocks on it and try to lower it a bit. (I'm short-leggin' it a little on this bike). I also want to put a new rectifier and I saw an electronic/solid-state points replacement that caught my attention.
Half-Caf I'm kinda close to you. I live a little south of Joliet.
I'm surprised no one noticed the little puddle of gas underneath. Probably going to be my first "Help me I'm a NOOB" post!

I put a little video up on youtube of the 'ol girl running if anyone is interested.