Hey everyone, been lurking around for a little bit and thought I would finally post up. My name is Joshua, and while I am new to the site I have been around CB's for quite awhile. My love for the bike started in my late teens and has never ended (though it did go on hold for awhile) Below are my current projects:
First, my original 1978 CB750K. Not my first bike, but the one that really got me into them. I got it back in the early 90's. Rode it for awhile and then did a full stock restore on it (minus the tank color, I wanted something a bit different) After several years of enjoying it I decided it was time to let it go, so I sold it to a friend. He, unfortunately did not take as good care of it as I did. Ended up snapping the drive chain while riding it and that in turn put a small whole in the lower half of the case. :( When I told him what it would take to fix it he decided he wanted nothing to do with it anymore and gave it back to me (at no charge). Getting the bike back was great, but I was really bummed that he had broken the case, so I just stored it for several years. Fast forward roughly 10 years. I just moved to Colorado and brought the bike with me. Fresh out of storage, I got interested in it again and started doing some research on what I wanted to do to this bike (thus finding this site) Project - Brat(ish): My goal is to fix the engine, possibly boring it out a bit, and slim it down a bit. Losing the rear fender all together, lower seat position, clean up the bars and headlight area and such. As the title says, going for a Brat style look, while keeping the stock tank and side fairings, I just love them on this bike). On to the photos (which I know is what you really want to see) This is how it sits today.

It still is one of the cleanest, best examples of a 78 CB750 I have ever seen (I am a tad biased though) I do have a perfect headlight assembly, mounts and front turn signals for it, they were just removed because it had a full Windjammer setup on it. They won't be going back on though.
Bike two is a 1977 CB750F. I got it last week from a friend at work. I honestly just bought it because I wanted the motor and wheels. When he told me the price ($200) I figured that was all that was going to be worth keeping. Well, I was quite wrong. It's in really good shape, and even runs well. I just can't justify parting this bike out. So, project number 2: Full Cafe Racer. I really, really like the look of the cafe racers, so that is the direction I am taking this one. On to the photos, as it sits today (and how I got it)

Lastly, my buddy brought over his 1975 CB500T. He wants me to help him turn it into a cafe racer inspired bike as well. It needs quite a bit of work. Wiring has been butchered, missing parts and been sitting outside for quite awhile. So that will be project 3 this winter. I realize it's not a CB750, but figured there was no harm in posting it with the rest. Hope you don't mind.

And a couple shots of the fleet together

So, that's my story and my bikes. I look forward to getting ideas and tips from ya'll. I will be making separate builds threads for each as I start on them in the next few weeks. Right now I need to get the garage organized first. :P
Just an average guy looking to have fun in life, because really that's what it's all about.