Not a 750 but how does this grab YOU?

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Not a 750 but how does this grab YOU?


At first I thought about doing this to mine, but now I'm thinking leave mine standard and buy a basket case to bring up to the same spec. I luvvit!
'76 CB500T
'75 GL1000 'Wing
'79 CB750L
'90 FJ1200
'93 GS500E

In a little place called Bexley, Kent, UK (Just south of London!)
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Re: Not a 750 but how does this grab YOU?

That does look pretty sweet, even the brown seat. Definitely a good project for a basketcase bike.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Not a 750 but how does this grab YOU?

If you prefer "basket case" you should see my old-wing gas tank repair.  My tank started leaking so I put an 11 liter marine (fancy jerry can) in my upper rear luggage, drilled a hole, and ran fuel line down to the fuel pump.  Works great, lol.
most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handelbars to the saddle.