Well poo. I shoulda checked in here earlier. I already tapped it for 1/4'' NPT. I never thought about the tapered thread cracking the housing

There is alot of beef there. I wonder if it would be OK as long as I used some really good selaer and didn't overdo it on the torque. And by really good sealer I mean epoxy. Only problem with that is it would be permanently glued in at that point.
You know,I could tap it out a little bigger and use a straight thread bolt and a crush washer! Not alot of room there for a bolt head of any type,though.
Lucky,this is supposed to be the engine for Hackjob...if I dont ruin it first!lol
Rob,(and Lucky)thanks for pointing out about the tapered thread issue.That's a very good point!
Shultz,that was a stab in the dark on the 7/16''-24 tpi. lol The 3/8'' -24tpi laid in the threads perfect,but the diameter was too small. I really have no clue what this thing is. Nothing fits it. And I still can figure out what was sealing it in the first place! You mentioned thread sealing lock tite. Does that stuff seal good enough that I could possibly use that with my 1/4'' pipe plug without needing alot of torque?
Oh,and on the brass plug thing. I had a hard time finding a brass plug with an allen head(3 stores to get one)which I really wanted. I was thinking the soft brass would seal up easier than a hard steel plug. Is brass really a no-no with AL?
Thanks for all the help and info guys! I'm not dead set on using this pipe plug. I'm still open to any suggestions.