Communication goes a long way. I ordered two items on September 16th from OBB. An ignition switch and a pair of rear shocks, both in stock according to the website. I wanted them fast so I paid an extra 10 bucks for Priority Mail. Sweet. Friday or Saturday I should see the stuff. No confirmation email though and no shipping info....huh... I wonder if my credit card was charged...........YUP. Called the OBB 800 number I used a few months ago successfully, over and over again, .....nothing. Dis-connected number.hmm. Needless to say, Saturday rolled around and nothing appeared. Monday 10-21 I sent an Email inquiry. 10-22 I recieved a sale order billing almost a week after my card was charged. Should I still pay the Priority Mail charge? I still don't know a thing about my order. I was psyched to at least get a busy signal on the phone line Friday I think it was.
I re-ordered the items from Dennis Kirk last night and they are on their way!! Perfectly smooth transaction. They get my business in the future.
If someone at OBB would've given me some Order Info on my Sale Order Billing, I totally would have grown some patience....instead, being left in the dark, I lost them all.
"3. As for software and free ware I'm not sure you follow the scope of the project we carry 8.1 million part numbers and highly specialized, functional, advanced websites, and management systems don't come cheap."
I will definitely concede this point to you. I work for an online retailer and we carry a few hundred SKUs, each with up to ten customizable options. You can't just go out and buy cart software to do that. Ours was about $25k plus the customizations we required. That was just for the cart software. The website itself, plus our customer support, plus the order management system on the backend were all well over that.
Still, I see places like Bike Bandit basically selling the same inventory and not having the same problems, so we know it's not impossible. But I appreciate the candor and your willingness to come to us and own those issues. The real test is how these changes are implemented. Hopefully, for your own sake, everything goes as well as you seem to think they will. It's tough out there, and we all gotta eat. When you're done with all these implementations, let us know.
Hi all, new to the thread. I ordered a windshield from Old Bike Barn on 9/5/09. Seemed like a good deal, normal website (should have checked for "problems" on Google, how I found this . . .).
Order went through, money shows as debited from my account 9/10/09, one month later, no merchandise. Called, no answer. Called, no answer. Emailed a few times, no answer for four days.
I got Barry's email off the Better Business Bureau's site (OBB gets an F). Emailed him, no response.
I get an answer today, finally, from Patrick Mason at OBB: "We are sorry to say that your order cannot be processed at this time. Due to an error with the credit card processor, we never received the funds in payment of your order. Sadly as there is no other resolution at this time, we’ve been forced to cancel the order at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience."
But I'm still out $112.46 !!!!! Because it did in fact go through, at least enough to take my money.
I called OBB, number disconnected, or "out of the area". What a surprise.
I called my bank and am having the VISA charge disputed. Never again from this company. I'm posting to add my story and have it keep coming up to the top whenever someone Googles "Old Bike Barn Problems". Old Bike Barn problems. Old Bike Barn problems.
Thanks. I feel for you all. What a drag.
Mike Zannoni (customer number 101448592, Barry, if you are still viewing this thread)
This post was updated on .
I'm going to jump in on this too...
I ordered a jacket in mid-September, card was charged twice, and one credit was given a day or so later. Today I have no jacket, and the order has been designated as "closed". Closed?
The status of the order was requested last week in email, but it did not get a response.
I have sent an email (to Patrick) regarding this issue just today, because I have had the phone problem too. There is a 10-3 Monday thru Thursday limit, where the only time you can get through on the system is to be told you haven't called during office hours. Otherwise you can't get through at all. (I tried their 518 number, but was told on three different phone lines (using three different carriers) that I need a calling code. I tried the 800 number, but got a fast busy signal.)
I wish I had done my homework before making the order. The price on the jacket was very attractive so I ordered without checking first.
And Bear, I too would like to see an end to your problems, but they shouldn't become ours. I own a business myself, and give steep discounts when I inconvenience my clients with delay, and especially delay with no contact regarding ongoing problems in filling the order.
I will also be contacting the Attorney General after contacting my bank to dispute the second charge if this is not resolved shortly.
Edit: Oct. 14th - Got a case number on the 8th from the contact form, still no response, nobody's home. Status: not started. Ordered a replacement jacket from another retailer on the 11th
Edit: Oct. 26th - Received jacket. Fully six weeks after order was placed, originally having no idea the item was "out of stock", and MANY attempts at contact were ignored. They let you know once the item is back in stock and ready to ship. I still have no idea if they would have shipped had I not nagged them repeatedly. Shameful. Truly shameful. I got orders from Hong Kong faster.
Edit: Nov. 6th - I also received the email about the new and improved Old Bike Barn. I laughed, and then I deleted it. There's an old adage: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Keep telling me how you're not a crook. It didn't work for Nixon, either. :P
I hope Bear see's this!
Your company is crap! I have been fighting with your company since sept. 11, I cancelled my order that day. For over 3 weeks I did not reveive anything about my tires. Then I cancelled. Well it is now Oct. 7th still no money and still getting the run around with your company. I have all the e-mails your company sent me and there have been a few lies. I have contact the Attorney General in your state. I am also going to see what else I can do. I wrote an e-mail to your company a week ago stating that I do not care how I get my money back I just want it. Now your company is telling me that they never received it. I have 3 kids at home I deffinatly could be using my money for something else. Your company deffinatly give a bad name to Bikers. I deffinatly telling everyone that I know not to order from your company.
I am just sick and tired of the games. I want my freakin money.......
Well, at least we got a response, that's a lot more than many of your customers got.
I'm sorry Bear, I just don't buy it. I contacted your company's hosting solution NetSuite http://www.netsuite.com They are a PUBLIC company, with shareholders, so they DO have to respond. Again, for those that have a legit beef, go to their site and start to hammer away at the Contact Us link and good luck.
Good luck to you Bear, you'll need it.
Well, Barrie, it really looks like you're living up to all your talk about how you're taking care of the problems you've been having.  How about giving these people their money back that you stole? You can continue to paint it with all the pretty colors you want, but the fact is that taking money for goods that you never ship is STEALING.
You are a thief, and your placating talk will never change that fact. You know what's going on, you know exactly what you've been doing and continue to do to this day in spite of your empty words, and luckily word is getting around that you are nothing but a scam artist.
You are hurting the sport/hobby/lifestyle that I have loved since I was a small child, and you should be ashamed of yourself for claiming to support it. You should be even more ashamed of yourself for bringing up your military service as if it were some kind of reference for you being an honest, upstanding businessman. Veterans who truly feel that they did something good for their country don't feel the need to tarnish their service by bringing it up in situations where it has absolutely no merit, especially when they have no other excuse for the disservice they've been perpetrating.
I will continue to do my best to spread the word that you are a scam artist to every motorcycle-related group and website that I can possibly find, and I hope that many others will do the same.
hello bear .just to let you know i have used bike barn in the past and was a happy customer .but that has changed since .i waited for 2 months for a part that was available on another site .at the end i could not get thru on your 800 # so i tried your local number .same thing always busy .i sent e mails and no response .i sent a email saying i was having visa do a charge back and no response to that either .any way when you have the company revamped and back on track i hope you post it on here and let us all know .till then i have taken my business else where ...........shadow 06
this company is a scam scam scam scam. advertise in hard to find parts but so they have an excuse to make you wait and then keep you on the hook with a response to an email 1 in 5 times just so you think that you might get them. Basically he is waiting 90 days so you can not do a chargeback on him and then to get your money you have to sue him. I was checking my netsuite account with OBB regularly right at 90 days might account went from "partially fullfilled" to "closed". OLD BIKE BARN IS A SCAM AND THE OWNER IS A THIEF. How can you even come on this site and act like your trying to run a business. You have a hell of a lot nerve talking on here about how your not ripping people off. Just give me my money back jerk...
An open letter to Old Bike Barn.
You steal people’s dreams, no different than Bernie Madoff. I have been waiting on my order since August. How about it? Not one informative response to emails and phone calls, to say nothing of the evil hexes I have wished upon your fraud of a company. It really doesn’t have to be you personally, just get one breathing human being to answer a call and assure me my money is credited back to me. It’s November now and my Virago is still on the jack waiting for parts, so I’ll have lots of free time to take up my new hobby of hounding you and your miserable band of internet criminals so intensely you will be forced to move to Nigeria, where your website rightly belongs. Please understand, in the end, the money lost to me will mean nothing compared to the response I will commit to, in ridding civilized society of your larcenous shadow posing as an honorable business man and worse, a vet who claims any virtue at all.
P.S. About your boo-hooing the BBB. The cost of membership can’t be that bad…What are we talking about, 1 or 2 carb rebuild kits a month that you don’t send to a customer? C’mon, don’t be so petty!
Hi, my apologies for the delay in response, I wanted to wait until had all of the new measures in place to address the issues properly. A few months ago we launched a new back and front end for our website – rapidly our phones began to jam up with calls. The increased volume was near unmanageable for our family run business. Customers were waiting on hold for as long as 45 min, and our shipping department was backlogged with new orders, finally and issue with our credit card processing further complicated matters and dealing the bureaucrats at the bank has been fun to say the least.
I’m an honorable man, and a decorated Veteran, there is no hokey pokey going on here, just a list of complex events. Companies that are up to foul play don’t have pictures of the owner on them, nor do they take thousands of hours to build, or stick around after to clean up the mess when there are issues.
I would like to personally speak to all the customers that had a bad experience during these past few months, as well as any that had a positive one I notice a few are defending us, but it the norm for happy customer to not say my much while unhappy one are very vocal. The tragedy is, some of this has clearly been aggravated and pushed to prominence by my competitors; some even splashing their names in posts about Old Bike Barn. Now some people may cite complaints going back to 2005, but one need consider the number of complaints pales in comparison to the 10’s of thousands of people that we have pleased helping keep their vintage bike rolling.
My personal email is bear@oldbikebarn.com – email me with a number to reach you and I’ll personally look into your issue and return your call. Or call our new number 1 888 851 5559 we can’t take every incoming call on the spot but if no rep is available, I have put in place measures for customers to leave a message rather than sit on hold. It’s now company policy to return all calls by the end of business the following day or sooner.
About the changes at Oldbikebarn.com:
1. Improve phone system and messages with ALL CALLS will be returned by the end of biz the following day!
2. New, improved web site with improved search by bike features, also, the ability to park your bike in the “Your Old Bike Barn Garage” to refer back to at a later time and see all the parts for your machine(s) in one spot.
3. Used parts: a vast selection of used parts are now available and in stock, or if we don’t have it we can try to get it through our network of over 200 yards nationwide.
Thanks for reading folks, Old Bike Barn is here for you, you vintage or modern bike and so am I!
Don’t buy it folks! I just got a rambling email from OBB about “Due to an error with the credit card processor, we did not receive the payment from your order. While we are aware that your bank statement will be showing a charge from that time, the funds were never transferred into our accounts by the credit card processor.” Well, that was in August and the money was taken from my account and OBB ignored my attempts to contact them. My bank contested the charge today and advised me to destroy my card and get a new number. These guys are unscrupulous hustlers and are running a parts ponzi scheme. Two and one half months for Christ’s sakes!!! It's November! I don't have a snowmobile in Georgia!
Yes as I mentioned above we had a problem with our credit card processor and that compounded matters, its there in black and my white my friend I’m not saying just the site and the phones caused the problem… how about you call me the president of the company directly and I can answer your questions. Also why not try our new services before passing judgment; you don’t have to buy anything to see if what I say is true. Your damaging the reputation of a hard working decorated veteran without ever having spoken to him, If you card was charged and we didn’t get your money we can help you get it back but you have to call us... customers sometimes don’t understand the money does not go directly from visa or master card to us there are third party banks and processors along the way. Again I want to personally speak with any one having and issue; now that I have the measures in place to take care of the situation properly.
888 851 5559 ext 3 or my personal email is bear@oldbikebarn.com
well folks, I must reply. Earlier I called you a thief and that is no longer true. I did place an order with oldbikebarn.com in july of 2009 and a month and a half later I had half the parts I ordered. Months later still last half of parts not showing up and unable to receive a response from oldbikebarn.com I contacted the credit card company who told me that after 90 days that zero fraud libility goes out the freaking window and there is nothing I could do but sue. So I got angry and after many emails and another month later I was surprised to see an email from obb. They told me the balance of the order would be refunded and recently it was. So I would like to say you aren't a thief but the customer service was terrible and that you have a long way to go before regaining my trust in your company. Also to all internet consumers do not wait over a month for anything especially when they charge you before shipping, anything over 30 days immediately do a charge back because that is not how business should be done.
I appreciate getting my money back but again it will take a long time to get my trust back
Spartasm, you must stick to the principle here. OBB, in a family and “decorated veteran” way of course, robbed you. At the very least, the interest you could have made on that money is gone. They made an agreement they had no demonstrated interest in fulfilling. You were left for months wondering if you should cut your losses and just re-order with a different company, only to possibly have your OBB order show up the same day. Don’t forget the aggravation you felt at not being able to communicate with a company who had your money! That stack of excrement Bear, actually has the brass ones to beg me to call him in his last post “If your card was charged and we didn’t get your money we can help you get it back but you have to call us” . That bag of wet piss towels is actually trying to make it sound like it is my fault! Wait; hold on….Right now it is Wednesday, November 4 at 4:28pm…Lets' see 1-888-851-5559, or 1-800-460-5229 crap, 1-800-616-8495. Nobody is there! Just so you’ll know Bear, I left a brief message “Hey Dog Squeeze, talk to me about my credit card!”
Spartasm, you need to tell all your friends and neighbors, even Bears friends and neighbors about how your experience and mine are not isolated flukes. They represent the operational culture of this criminal, albeit “decorated veteran & family” business. ...And it is still going on, they didn't answer the phone!
Dear BEAR and all audiences...
I would like to add my 50cents to development around the nice advertised OBB company.
I place an order for 5 rebuild kits in beginning of October on all items which was on the "stock", in total amount over $150, and unfortunately do not pay attention on the BBB reports and NY Attorney General reports.... my fold.
So, after about 3 weeks since I place order, I decide to check status and as result find this forum about OBB company past and realty....
So, I call them - no answer and single message appear on my cell next day.
E-mail come with "auto answer" where was a standard response - we will send you what you ordered and paid when we will got in stock. It was no satisfactory to me, and I write them a nice letter where I ask to explain what the problem and WHY NOBODY CALL ME or BOTHER to send an e-mail very next day...?
They finally said three items on stock at this moment and rest in back order - I ask ship 3 items and make 2 items in back order.... Next day I look through the Internet and found a few alternative sources even cheaper, and ask them cancel 2 items (Carb repair kits) with full refund to my CCard (Nov 1st'09)
No confirmation no reaction....
I send on Nov 7th question - what the status?
and today I got answer - I need wait until a sipping department update a system tracking number will be available... nothing about refund so far....
BTHW, I already receive the items I ordered month later from their competitors, in less then week ... write me directly and I will give the link to them.... !
Again, Dear Mr. Barrie Haughton, I hope you reading this and would be interested to look on this case (Case Update: S..880 - Order #....881) and analyze your company responses and feel what I feel.
Please write to this forum, I believe it is the best of your interest and your Family Business interests to protect the face of your company and help to find the facts.
I would like to ask you send me items (3 in total, from your "stock") and refund my money for the rest ASAP.
The Best and The Most!
HoHo ne HoHo ? VT750C'83
i restored an old honda, and spent a few thousands of dollars on it. most parts purchased via the internet.
NEVER had a problem.
exept now with OBB.
here are a few REAL sites for bikers by bikers i had great experience with, and they ship worldwide.
www.cmsnl.com (dutch site, specialised in old honda's)
www.honda4.nl (smaller site, but great guy, that kindly answers your questions, ) (site is in dutch, sorry)
www.louis.de (german site, many parts, short delivery times (in europe))
i'm sorry, they're european sites, but maybe they're helpfull.
i found this great japanese site, but don't have experience with it. they sell yoshimura replica's for cb750's
http://yamiya750e.com, if anyone has experience with this site, please let me know.
no one believes the bullshit about the kreditcard processor because it makes no sense! if a credit card company takes money from my account, they know where to send it. so YOU GOT OUR MONEY!
and i've sent an email to that so called personal account of yours, dear "bear" but it's just like with the order i placed: complete silence at the other end of the line.
kind regards
So far I do not have any word from respectful "BEAR"...
Only shipping department of his "family" business send me a note, my order was fulfill with link to the site, and site DataBase says: Notice: Package Tracking is not available for id null. Unknown carrier.....
So I do not know they sent me requested stuff, when, and what I will receive.... ?
Definitely, stay away from this folks with "family" ambitions.
I plan to report to NY AG in case if this case will go out of complete control by "BEAR".
Dear "bear" - please response on this issue to the public and me. Thanks in advance.
ELJORRE, Thanks for providing links, it is very helpful. For translation it could be used Google, it is not a problem.
A great source for old bikes is : ....siriusconinc.com - serious company with superb handling and quick turnaround, local in US, excellent e-mail and phone handling. I am impressed.
Happy riding!
HoHo ne HoHo ! VT750C'83
Wow ! Story is not ended .... yet....
Today I receive tree (3) items, one of which was WRONG (wooow.... surprise...)
Request RMA and right item (Clutch Rebuild kit instead another Brake kit....)
So far no money refund.
Send letter to customer service and to Mr.Bear (the President).
Will continue to inform.
They definitely testing my patience.... But I will be strongly. ;-)
HoHo ne HoHo ! VT750C
2.5 months waiting.
endless messages via the website, which get deleted the next day without response.
phonecalls to the states: never a real person at the other end of the line, so no problem solved.
over 300$ gone through the window!
and the absurd thing is that we have here a ceo that ADMITS that it's his mistake. (it's not my credit card processor i guess)
makes me think of monty python's "dead parrot"-sketch.
hell of a way to run a company.