Part Compatibility between '77 CB750k and a '79 CB750k

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Part Compatibility between '77 CB750k and a '79 CB750k

I know next to nothing so I came here for help
I purchased a partly-finished buggy which uses a '79 CB750K engine.
I'm looking for more of the parts to use with it and I've found an engine-less '77 CB750K for dirt cheap... will anything be compatible?
I'm needing the
-"Dashboard" electrical (the meter's, Key-switch, info-lights etc.) (thought it might be fun)
-Rectifier and regulator
-Rear brakes
-maybe other stuff

Thanks for your help
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Re: Part Compatibility between '77 CB750k and a '79 CB750k

Basically nothing is compatable.  Some brake stuff maybe.  79 starts the DOHC era.  79-82 750 C/F/K are all interchageable mechanically.
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Re: Part Compatibility between '77 CB750k and a '79 CB750k

Thanks for the information Woodsrider250.

I'll start looking for newer models
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Re: Part Compatibility between '77 CB750k and a '79 CB750k

if you already have an engine (79-82) check out a cycle salvage yard for a frame
work from can BUILD a bike easy enough  that is how you learn
it will give you a sense of accomplishment and more pride than if you bought a turn key
besides you can build it the way you want why have a bike that looks like everybody elses
if money and time are an issue buy a turn-key