so i ordered a brake rebuild kit and they gave me a receipt and a tracking number and i see that they did pull the funds out of my account but whenever i go to fedex with the tracking number it sends me a message saying invalid. that that tracking number doesn't exist. i'm not sure if this is cause for trouble or not and i'm just wondering if any of you have had similar experiences.
You can do whatever you want to a motorcycle. The only thing in the way is your imagination.... and your pocketbook. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Try contacting them at
I have used them 3 times in the past and always with good results.
They should be able to clear things up hopefully.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
it was just very confusing.... i would say use them if they have a part you need. they've got really good prices. it was just super confusing for me for a bit
You can do whatever you want to a motorcycle. The only thing in the way is your imagination.... and your pocketbook. Salt Lake City, Utah.