If you took .002 thousandths off of the points then the dwell is wrong.
You have to check the gap when the points are new.
Then check the dwell also.
When the points are new the gap is correct and the dwell is good too.
As the points wear( the plastic rubbing on the points cam) the dwell gets too
large and you have a weak spark or no spark because the gap is off.
The points gap and the dwell ( how long the points stay open) determines how strong and when the
spark occurs.
Trying to check the points gap with a set of worn points is not possible.
The points get holes burned in one side and little mounds of metal on the other side.
Then there is no way to check them.
Also you need to change the condensers the same time that you put in new points.
After the condenser has absorbed so much energy it is finished.
The value in microfarads is marked on the side of the condenser.
On a Roadstar Adventure.