Okay sorry for beating a dead horse on this one guys, but im in pipe dreaming mode now that ive got my bike in almost rideable condition. I love the look of the pods on cb's and I would like to put them on my bike, but Ive read where its not ideal for the DOHC bikes. I plan on upgrading the exhaust soon and I know re-jetting the carbs seems to come with the "pod" territory and Id just like to know what else is involved or if its even possible with my bike? Again I know this has been discussed over and over on the forums but even after searching Im coming up short and cant get any definite answers?? Im in no hurry and this isn't keeping my bike from running, I just like to ponder at work and day dream about what I can change on my bike So this is just for "edumahcatin" sakes!  Thanks guys!
I know its possible....that is, Ive SEEN it on DOHC bikes. Granted, most of the bikes Ive seen it on are trailer bikes and Ive never actually seen or heard one run with pods??? But regardless they look cool!! I may just make it so my air box removes easily and bolt the pods on whenever Im stopped, just for cosmetics...ya know like at the grocery store, or at stop lights??? hmmmmmmmm???
It is strongly not recommended for DOHC bikes: they rely upon a vacuum which cannot be properly created with pods, only the OEM air box will work correctly. Still, if you have the desire, it is your bike, and your challenge. Even on the SOHC engines, the pods have issues with crosswinds essentially causing problems. It mostly has to do with the DOHC's Constant Velocity carburetors, I believe -- they are particularly sensitive to the vacuum created by the OEM air box.
There is more information available on the CB750 Custom forum, if you want to dig a little deeper:
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
+1 what Slag said. Pods look cool and CAN work but it is very difficult. If you do go with pods, get the K&N pods. The cheap junkers just will never work right. You may also want to get some Uni filter foam to cut and fit inside the pods to possibly help with the vacuum but I am not sure if it will do much.
Pods do suffer from crosswinds a lot more than the airbox does. You can also affect things by just how you have your knees positioned.
Rain can also be an issue. Just letting you know the pitfalls of pods in general.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
To second the not wanting to beat a dead horse thing,I have pods(SOHC)and am strongly considering putting my factory airbox back on. The crosswinds are for real and affect it ALOT.Almost to the point of dangerous.A couple times I almost just pulled over so I wouldnt get run over. They do look cool,but only to other people.When you're riding you cant see them,you only get to experience their suckiness at times.Only reason I havent swapped out the airbox yet is I didnt want to fool with rejetting yet.
With that being said...prove 'em wrong! If you want pods go for it! Find a way to make it work and be the hero. I am not being sarcastic.Im being serious.Shoot for what you want and show 'em it can be done.I got a few ideas for my pods before I scrap the idea.
Would it be possible to put some sort of air ducting behind 'em to flow air into them? Such as bent sheet metal behind 'em, jutting slightly from the frame, bent forward to force air into the cavity?
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
I was wondering the same thing? Like a wind deflector or something....but I guess by the time you mess with all that youll just basically have an air box with expensive pod filters? I wish somebody at least offered a cleaner aftermarket air box that didnt look so bulky. And shiny im definitely on the fence about it, half of me is like just give it a shot...who knows, what if my bike mysteriously runs better with pods??? HA
Then the other half is like why are you gonna spend a decent amount of money on pods when 90% of the people that know wayyyyyyyy more then you, are advising against it?? And lets be honest, the only REAL reason I want them is for aesthetics, I mean performance is nice but they just look so sporty and cool!!?? Im batting for zero here, my bike doesnt have a kick start and now I cant run pods!! Daggum dual overhead junk.....worthless!
I am kinda curious just to bolt a set on and see how bad it really runs...if at all? Anybody got a set of used ones theyd like to donate? just for shits and giggles
Actually, at one time, a long pod style filter was made for these bikes. It had a metal front with the ports for the carbs and a metal back and it sandwiched the filter in between. hard to say how much of an improvement it was and I just can't remember the name of these filters, atm. breadbasket air filter or some such thing.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
That looks really awesome, actually. I kind of want to do that.
In fact, that might work for turbo. Just plumb your intake charge pipe to that box, and have no cut-out in the back. Hmm.
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
I know I thought it was a pretty nice/clean alternative...now the only question is if it will work with DOHC?? Ill email them and see if I cant get some more info and Ill relay it back if anyones interested?
Does it filter? There is not a filter element in the pics at least. It does look good,though. Looks like it could be a tad heavy. I wonder id they support them off the frame somehow?
I put pods on mine. I rejetted and synced the carbs and everything is fine. I made a solid frame mount to the rear or the carbs because I did'nt want them to fall off on a ride. It looked like a little to much for the rubber boots to hold.
Making Laps, Twisting the Throttle and Cruzz control, it just don't get any better!
Awesome bike dude, I been wondering the same thing, I even thought about making a box out of plexi-glass to go around the pods and close it off entirely, then drill one hole and keep increasing the size until it runs right without re-jetting the carbs. Then maybe hook up some led's to the plexi box and make it look sick at night by lighting it up! Big dreams, lol.
Since problem is the CV carbs, you could always get different carbs.
It's a pricey way to do it, but it is a solution. Apparently Mikuni Rs Flatslides or Keihin FCR Flat Slides can be made to work. If you go this route do your homework before buying, and then tell us all about the process
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals
My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.
Wow, those carbs cost almost 3 times what I payed for the bike, lol, think I'll just be cheap and make the set I got work, unless I hit the lottery....
In reply to this post by Lincoln Highway Bullitt
Looking good there Lincoln  After a year I plan to put stacks N drags on BUT
will go with the Pro.(race builder)at his recomendation at the time.
Finding that may need the newer type but bigg bucks. 
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
In reply to this post by Lincoln Highway Bullitt
Lincoln, what size jets do you run and is that stock exhaust?
In reply to this post by Lincoln Highway Bullitt
whoa just noticed this.... is that a leaf spring style rear suspension you're running Lincoln? That looks cool as hell!
I will have to look tomorrow and see if I have the jet size written down. The exhaust is stock. I just cut them off under the pegs and made my own mufflers. The rear suspension is a leaf spring idea I fabbed up. It sure gets a lot of looks. Thanks for the compliments.
Making Laps, Twisting the Throttle and Cruzz control, it just don't get any better!