Rear spring preload adjustment, the easy way (without the proper tools :-P)

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Rear spring preload adjustment, the easy way (without the proper tools :-P)

Just figured this one out after reading all over the 'net that if I don't have the correct tool the best alternative is to use a hammer and a flat-head screwdriver (still next to impossible to achieve).

As you can guess by the title of the post, I was attempting to adjust the spring pre-load on my rear suspension, when I found I had no tool even resembling the one designed for the job. I went through the tools I do have and nearly by accident stumbled on this beauty:

Self Ratcheting Pipe Wrench

The handle had plenty of leverage to make this task take literally seconds (it also happens to be invaluable for plumbing scenarios )

Anyhow, thought I'd share something I found useful
Lady Amalthea

1981 CB750C Suffolk, VA
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Re: Rear spring preload adjustment, the easy way (without the proper tools :-P)

I also used a large pipe wrench to take things up a few notches.
Also, its a good idea to use a rag over the "jaws" of the tool so you don't scratch up your pretty shocks...
The best things in life are custom
1980 cb750f SS
Chicago, IL
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Re: Rear spring preload adjustment, the easy way (without the proper tools :-P)

Wimps,i use just my pinky fingers.Just kidding  Thanks for the tip