The vacuum the vacuum operated carbs slide piston work on has nothing to do with
your type of air filtration or air box.
The vacuum is created by the suction of the engines pistons going down.
Thats all.
Try putting your hand over a carb when you turn the engine over. See what I mean?
The REASON that Honda went to vacuum operated carb slides is so that when a motorcycle is at different altitudes or it is a rainy day or a bright sunny day (inches of mercury) that the carbs will work correctly.
If you lived in Tucson, Arizona which is 2000 ft. above sea level and you went on a Sunday ride
up to the top of Mt. Lemon 8,000 Ft, that when you got to the top of the mountain on a bike with cable operated slides, the mixture would get very rich and it would not want to idle. Because the air is thinner at the top of the mountain.
When you come down from the mountain it runs just fine.
With a vacuum operated carb you could ride to the top of that mountain and the bike would still be running perfect because the vacuum slide piston operating in thinner air will not have as much suction and will not rise as far giving a better mixture.
To do that The vacuum operated version has two main jets that are progressive.
On a Roadstar Adventure.