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Resistor Spark Plug Caps?

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Resistor Spark Plug Caps?

25 posts
I ended up getting a dyna ds1-2 ignition and dc1-1 coils for my '74 750. I just got standard plug wires, do I need to get spark plug caps with resistors built in?
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Re: Resistor Spark Plug Caps?

3494 posts
Do you mean the dyna S ignition? If so then technically, no, you do not need resistor caps or plugs. I would not use resistor plugs anyways. The caps are meant to reduce rf interferance or signal noise. Remember hooking up a radio in a car and getting tremendous noise when the engine was on? Same thing.
If you run no electronics on your bike(solid state regulator does not count), then you can run no resistor caps. Unless of course you feel sorry for that cager maybe getting noise on their cell while next to you!

Now if you got a dyna 2000, then yes you would probably want resistor caps.
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Re: Resistor Spark Plug Caps?

25 posts
Just got the dyna s, thanks for the tip.
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Re: Resistor Spark Plug Caps?

34 posts
In reply to this post by DrewArit
I would like to see that setup ,Very cool.