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SOLVED! Rear MC snap ring issue 77 F2

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SOLVED! Rear MC snap ring issue 77 F2

6 posts
This post was updated on Sep 11, 2016; 6:07am.
I'm in the process of rebuilding the rear MC off my 77 F2, and I've hit a wall. I can't get the snap ring out. I've cleaned up the surface using a small wire wheel on a dremel. And afterwards I let it soak in 3 different oil based lubercants to try and free the snap ring.
 So after one week of soaking, 2 hours of boiling and using a little heat from a pocket propane torch I still can't knock it loose. I've tried using an awl and a machinist scribe to get in the ring ridge and no luck. I've tried using a hammer and small pin punch, no luck. So I tried just using my snap ring pliers to pull it together and both ears snapped off.

Any one have any more ideas on how I can get this out? Or am I going to have to find another one? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Semper Fi
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Re: Rear MC snap ring issue 77 F2

3494 posts
Wow that sucks. When you try and awl, does the ring move at all? If not, then I would try using an angled needle nose pliers and grip the ring, if possible, at different spots and try to flex it back and forth to break the corrosion. Did you use regular oils, or penetrating oils? Regular oils won't do much, but a strong penetrating oil might. If you didn't use 1, of course.

Using that angled needle nose, you might be able to break the ring out bit by bit. Otherwise, a new master is probably in order. At least with a master, they are pretty universal, unlike the calipers.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Rear MC snap ring issue 77 F2

6 posts
Nope no movement with the awl or anything else for that matter, even after applying heat.
I don't have a set of angled needle nose, so I'll go pick up a pair.
I used penetrating oils, pb blaster and liquid wrench were 2 out of the 3 that was used.

I've done some searching for a new or used MC that has the separate reservoir, and besides ones for ATV and Dirt bikes I can't find one for my bike. Now is there any other make and model that I can look for that has the same set up?
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Re: Rear MC snap ring issue 77 F2

3494 posts
Honestly, I have looked at some and I think all that matters is having the space to mount it and connect it to the brake lever. The lever might require a but of ingenuity. Otherwise, you could go to boneyard in your area, if you have one. Or get a master off ebay.

But it sure sounds like that ring is stuck. You could try using a dremel to grind it out, if all else fails...
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Rear MC snap ring issue 77 F2

6 posts
Alright, I'll try and reboil it again tomorrow but for longer and see if that frees it up any. But if I don't have any luck then I'll try and grind it out. Then on Monday I'll make some calls and see if anyone has one. If not then eBay it is, or even CL for that matter. But I'll keep you posted on my progress. Thanks for all the help Re-Run.
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Re: Rear MC snap ring issue 77 F2

3494 posts
Yeah, that really sucks. That is the drawback of dot3/4, they attract water which then corrodes things. Your rear master is one of the worst I have ever heard of. Have you taken the rear caliper apart? Hopefully that wasnt, or isnt, as bad.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Rear MC snap ring issue 77 F2

6 posts
Success! After doubling the boiling time and a little frustration and dedication I finally got it out. I ended up making my initial punch with an awl in the ring ridge and used 3 different micro (computer repair) screwdrivers (1mm-2mm). I tapped each one in with a hammer starting with the smallest behind the snap ring in the ridge, and once I sunk the final one about 1/8th of the way in, I pulled it out and used a 90° pick and with a little bit of outward pressure I was able to pull that section out of the ridge. Once it was out I grabbed my 2mm screwdriver and got behind the snap ring walking it around slowly pulling the rest of the ring out. I had to repeat this process 3 different times considering the ring snapped twice.

After the snap ring was removed I inspected the MC bore, plunger, spring and both seals. From what I can tell the bore is still in good condition. There isn't any scratches or gouges that I can see. I will know more tomorrow after I run a copper bristle bore cleaner through it. The seal on the plunger is shot. Which explains why it was leaking down the adjustment stud. But the spring and seal cap for the spring still look in decent shape. But I will go in a deeper detail of inspection tomorrow after everything is done soaking. I have all the parts sitting in a container of brake fluid for the night.

I already have a rebuild kit on order, so hopefully it will be here soon, so I can get this reassembled and back on the bike. I need to get some riding in before it gets to cold...lol
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Re: Rear MC snap ring issue 77 F2

10054 posts
Wow. I was just sitting here reading this thread a few minutes ago...then I saw "SOLVED!"...nice job getting it sorted out!
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Re: Rear MC snap ring issue 77 F2

3494 posts
In reply to this post by R3v413
Wow score 1 for persistence!
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!