Smoke fron crankcase breather tube

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Smoke fron crankcase breather tube

Question from new  CB750 guy. Just purchased 1971. Speedo says 12,000 miles but who knows? Question is smoke coming out of rubber hose by countershaft sprocket. Hose goes up to valve cover / cyl. head. Smokes after engine warms up and if in neutral smoke increases as you turn throttle. Otherwise bike runs great. Only other symptom is number 1 header pipe only is gold. Sign of future trouble? Thanks
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Re: Smoke fron crankcase breather tube

Could be a little blow-by getting by the rings. If the bike doesn't use oil then don't worry about it. Also in times of high humidity you might get some condensation burning off. I have seen drops of water (condensation) drip off of them.