Both my speedometer and tachometer needles are warped and scrape the top of the plastic housing as they travel when my speed or RPM's increase and ultimately the needle stops moving all together around 40mph and a couple thousand RPM.
Here you can see the scrape marks on the clear plastic made from the very tip of the needle as it travels along it's path. -->

I have taken the faceplate off to try and access the needles, but the whole thing is totally encased by a bezel that I can't get into. -->

If I could get to the needles I could warm them up and make them straight again.
So now I'm thinking I'll just have to replace the speed-o and tach, but I can't figure out how to get these damn wires disconnected from the back. -->

They are attached to a metal housing that is in-cased around a rubber looking plug. The plug and metal piece spin freely but I cant find a position that will allow me to pull it out of the back and get the speedometer free.
Anyone have any experience with this, it's not listed in the repair manuals.
