Starter Button Repair

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Starter Button Repair

Im trying to repair the starter button on my new to me 1974 cb750. Right now its just a little hole where button used to be. The guy i bought the bike from taught me how to use a small screwdriver to make contact and engage the starter but i really would rather use a button! There is a seller on EBAY who has replacement buttons BUT he says that if the horn button on the bike is smooth plastic his replacement button will not work. The button he has is marked TEC and supposedly the horn button would have the same markings.I have posted a wanted ad for the right control but i suspect these are not to common. Any help would be most appreciated.  
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Re: Starter Button Repair

pat english
why not just mount a momentary button switch on the handle bars?plenty of people make bottons that mount on the bars.
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Re: Starter Button Repair

As far as I know, all the starter buttons where the same. I could be wrong I suppose but I have never seen anything other than a smooth horn and starter button.

I am pretty sure that has these button/spring kits.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Starter Button Repair

I took a quick look on ebay for CB750 starter switch,

and there's 3 of them out there.  If you can start it with a screwdriver, all it's doing is closing the low voltage contacts for the solenoid.  So if it's a real Honda part, cross reference it with the Honda repair manual (found elsewhere on this forum).  At worst, you're out the cost of the button (less than $10 US + shipping), and if it doesn't work, put it back on ebay.

Good luck, and let us know how things turn out.
Luke M
Used to have a 1979 CB750L, sold it as a parts bike, now riding a slightly modified 1984 VT700C. Network/Field Engineer. Central OH, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe.
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Re: Starter Button Repair

Thank you, Luke! Only 1 seller (2 parts) still available a month later... But that still is frickin' handy!
1974 CB750
Sunnyvale, CA
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Re: Starter Button Repair

In reply to this post by idahobilly
I'll look at my 78 750 and see if the one off an old cx500 will work.