Steering Head Bearings CB750 Nighthawk 1992

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Steering Head Bearings CB750 Nighthawk 1992

Hi, I am a newbie here...

I tried searching the forum but I couldn't find what I was looking for.

Can someone point me in the right direction please? I am looking for a write-up on how to change the steering head bearings on a 1992 CB 750 Nighthawk please?

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Re: Steering Head Bearings CB750 Nighthawk 1992

you can get a pretty good walk through on this proceeder in a haynes or clymer shop manual for your bike. Also replacing steering head bearings is a fairly generic job so you might be able to find some info on the web. It wouldn't have all the steps related to your bike but it would be a good start
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Re: Steering Head Bearings CB750 Nighthawk 1992

Thanks. I have the job done now. The hardest part was getting the headlight to mount correctly in the holes provided in the yokes. I want to do the rear brakes now. See my other post and reply there if you know the part number for the shoes.
