Tell me about the 1978 "Hondamatic"

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Tell me about the 1978 "Hondamatic"

I have a friend who has a 1978 CB750a that has been offered to me very cheap.

Anyhow, this would be my first motorcycle, and I wouldn't be driving it but a couple times a week, short distances (leisure rides around town etc...)

It has a few standard issue items I know it needs-- new mufflers, new battery, new fluids, etc...

But what about this two speed automatic? Is this thing a reliable creature? And if not, can it be reasonably converted to a normal clutch/transmission?
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Re: Tell me about the 1978 "Hondamatic"

There were several versions of "hondamatic" across the motorcycle lineup, from 400cc up to the 750cc models.  They are pretty reliable, but were a pretty rare bird for Honda.  Reviews of the 400cc hondamatic says it has 2 speed ranges:  slowest, and slower.

Most of the pieces you need are still available (battery, tank, etc), and eBay may be your best bet.

Converting it back to manual transmission would be a pretty big undertaking.  The engine and trans case is probably different for the hondamatic versions.  Best bet is to download whatever factory manuals you can find for the auto and the manual, and do a part number search to see what needs to change.  I'm guessing it's more work than it's worth to switch it out, so if it were me I'd leave it as an automatic.

Good luck, and let us know how it turns out.
Luke M
Used to have a 1979 CB750L, sold it as a parts bike, now riding a slightly modified 1984 VT700C. Network/Field Engineer. Central OH, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe.
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Re: Tell me about the 1978 "Hondamatic"

Thanks Luke, that gives me some relief. Hopefully it will turn out to be in operable condition, I'll just work to keep it that way.

I know the 750 auto is considerably "slower" than the manual and also has a lower power output according to what I've read, but honestly that's not a big deal for me at the moment. I had been riding a 50cc scooter here and there as a daily driver (I have a 1 mile commute to and from work, twice a day, 4 miles total).

Most of the roads I'll have this on are 45mph roads, lol, and I won't be doing any cross country stuff that's for sure.


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Re: Tell me about the 1978 "Hondamatic"

The A is a good bike. yes lower power and slower but did you know many drag racers used to use it? You could put in all the common mods and throw on some cr carbs and you had  beast. The tranny is very durable and the hi-vo chain works very well.
You will find it impossible to switch to a manual, best bet would be to swap out the engine as the case itself is different.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!