I've got a 74 cb750 k2.
I Just replaced a leaky oil seal.
When i pulled the old one I found the PO had shoved two oil seals down the tach hole.
One whole and one that was cut down to about half the height on top of the first one.
I figured he might have done this cause it was leaking or something.
But my new seal isn't sealing and its spilling oil all over.
Since I didn't shove a half seal in there my tach cable has about 1,5 mm play in n' out (as shown in the two images below)
Is this normal or should there be no play?
Has anyone encountered this before?
My first guess is that I have the wrong tach cable but I think it looks pretty the same when I compare images.
And I think cable isnt used to seal other than hold the seal in place. Maybe this is my problem I don't know.
Any ideas?
Tach cable pulled out as far as it goes.

Tach cable pushed in as far as possible.

Tach cable.

Tach seal.
1974 CB750 K2