accell pump leaking gas???

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accell pump leaking gas???

i have an 81 cb750

i had a fuel leak from the float bowl on carb 2... i put a new gasket on it

now it looks like a smaller leak from the accelerator pump

i havent taken the carbs out yet but i was wondering...

could it be the diaphram in the accel pump... maybe just a gasket on that cover..

i have no idea what i should do and was wondering if anyone else has had this problem

any insight on my situation would be great...
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Re: accell pump leaking gas???

Have you taken a look to see what kind of condition the pump diaphragm is in? it very well could be the issue, but I can't tell you without looking at it.
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Re: accell pump leaking gas???

i haven't taken a look at it yet... but it only leaks when i give the throttle a twist.. im gonna be taking the carbs out this weekend end to take a look...

the leak is definitely from the accel pump....

is there anything else that can be leaking or just the diaphram???

is there a gasket on that little accel pump cover???
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Re: accell pump leaking gas???

the diaphragm is the gasket. It will make sense when you take it off. There's a post attached to the diaphragm that moves up and down with the throttle linkage, and that's probably where it's torn. There's also a little rubber boot that surrounds the post. You should be able to find NOS replacements on ebay for around $20. Might as well just order the replacement now so that you're not waiting too much longer on parts.
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Re: accell pump leaking gas???

im sure this is kinda old, but thanks for posting, im having the same problem.  i ordered it and im anxiously awaiting it's arrival.