cB750 Nighthawk frame dimensions

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cB750 Nighthawk frame dimensions

i am in search of a dimensioned to scale engineering drawing of a CB750 DOHC frame, preferably 1993/4. better still would be a CAD drawing I could up load. can anyone help, or suggest a source please?
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Re: cB750 Nighthawk frame dimensions

Huh, seems the trick is finding the year you want. I have found some frames dimensioned out, but nothing to indicate the year, or in some cases, even the model of bike. You may find 1 in the shop manual.
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Re: cB750 Nighthawk frame dimensions

I have tried all the shop manuals which seem to be available, but none I have come across give a dimension frame drawing. I believe that dimensioned frame drawings must exist as how else would crash repairers know if a frame was out of alignment (  unless it was obvious)? There must be something to measure against to know if it correct, or not. The DOHC CB750 frame is very different to the SOHC CB750 frame in that it has a curved top spine tube. Similar to the CB550 frame.
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Re: cB750 Nighthawk frame dimensions

Yeah, I haven't found anything official.
Maybe contact these guys and see if they can/will help?
http://www.kottmotorcycles.com/ This guy has done custom dohc builds
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